
Poor Dog Was Stuck In A Concrete Pit Until Somebody Finally Noticed And Came To Help

Poor Dog Was Stuck In A Concrete Pit Until Somebody Finally Noticed And Came To Help

One day, a woman was walking down the street, when all of a sudden, she heard a dog hysterically barking nearby.  Hearing the...
Family Surrendered Their Dog To Be Euthanized Because The Kids Didn’t Like Her Anymore

Family Surrendered Their Dog To Be Euthanized Because The Kids Didn’t Like Her Anymore

There’s an absolutely absurd stereotype in this world, saying that old dogs are “just not worth the time.” Due to this belief, many...
Owner Placed Cameras In Her House To See What Her Dog Does And The Truth Was Heartbreaking

Owner Placed Cameras In Her House To See What Her Dog Does And The Truth Was Heartbreaking

Have you ever wondered what your dog does when you’re not at home?  I tend to bring my dogs everywhere I go, but...
This Pittie Was So Devastated After His Owners Surrendered Him To The Shelter Again

This Pittie Was So Devastated After His Owners Surrendered Him To The Shelter Again

It’s a very difficult thing to accept that things are turning out for the worse when you had thought they started getting better,...
Rescuers Nourished A Sick Puppy To Health Only To Learn The True Color Of His Fur

Rescuers Nourished A Sick Puppy To Health Only To Learn The True Color Of His Fur

When Niall Harbison, a dog rescuer, saw a hairless little puppy for the first time, his heart sank. The pup was in such...
Dog From Puppy Mill Was Hesitant When He Met His Rescuers But They Were Not Giving Up On Him

Dog From Puppy Mill Was Hesitant When He Met His Rescuers But They Were Not Giving Up On Him

We’ve all read a story at one point or another about a rescue dog who spent his whole life living on the streets...
Homeowner Found A Mysterious Visitor On His Patio Only To Learn His True Identity

Homeowner Found A Mysterious Visitor On His Patio Only To Learn His True Identity

It’s not that often that you see a wild animal casually lying on your patio furniture. Even though you might know a little...
Man Wanted To Get His Healthy Dogs Euthanized Because Of His Girlfriend

Man Wanted To Get His Healthy Dogs Euthanized Because Of His Girlfriend

Many people consider their dogs to be family members, but not all of them appear to think that way.  Abandoning your pet is...
Owners Were Surprised To See Their 2-Year-Old Rottweiler Give Birth To One Of The Largest Litters Ever

Owners Were Surprised To See Their 2-Year-Old Rottweiler Give Birth To One Of The Largest Litters Ever

When a two-year-old Rottweiler girl named Jessie got pregnant, their owners expected her to have five or six puppies at best; however, she...
This Boy Was Just Going Home When He Spotted A Furry Animal Stuck In A Hole

This Boy Was Just Going Home When He Spotted A Furry Animal Stuck In A Hole

While walking home from school, taking the same route, one boy heard something very unusual and alarming. It was coming from a construction...