
Rescue Dog Couldn’t Stop Wagging Her Tail At Her First Birthday Party In A Forever Home

Rescue Dog Couldn’t Stop Wagging Her Tail At Her First Birthday Party In A Forever Home

Almost every rescue dog has a dark life story that preceded a new beginning. Either the poor dog experienced neglect and abuse or...
The Incredible Recovery Of The Little Abandoned Pup With Frostbite Brings His Rescuer To Tears 

The Incredible Recovery Of The Little Abandoned Pup With Frostbite Brings His Rescuer To Tears 

Being an animal rescuer is one of the most fulfilling jobs a hooman can have. Seeing an animal go from being terrified and...
When This Bull Terrier Gets On Her Skateboard, Only The Sky Is Her Limit

When This Bull Terrier Gets On Her Skateboard, Only The Sky Is Her Limit

Many people think that dogs only know how to be loyal and give unlimited love to their owners. However, most of these amazing...
Rescuers Were Shocked To Learn This Pregnant Dog Was Abandoned By Her Owners So They Rushed To Help Her

Rescuers Were Shocked To Learn This Pregnant Dog Was Abandoned By Her Owners So They Rushed To Help Her

It is no surprise to find a stray dog ​​on the street these days. Despite the sad reality, there are those big-hearted people...
Couple Found A Pup Tied In A Sack And Were Shocked To See His Reaction

Couple Found A Pup Tied In A Sack And Were Shocked To See His Reaction

It is not uncommon to see farm dogs out running on the roads of the countryside. However, when one couple from Princeton, Texas...
Rescuers Found A Lost Dog But He Refused To Leave Until His Family Came For Him

Rescuers Found A Lost Dog But He Refused To Leave Until His Family Came For Him

When neighbors saw a little black lump that was curled between two trash cans on their street in Compton, California, they approached to...
Rescuers From Pennsylvania Gave A “Scary” Shelter Dog A Small Toy And His Reaction Is Just Heartwarming 

Rescuers From Pennsylvania Gave A “Scary” Shelter Dog A Small Toy And His Reaction Is Just Heartwarming 

Green Bean arrived at the Pennsylvania SPCA after being rescued from a dog fighting ring alongside 32 other dogs.  While many of his...
Desperate Mama Dog Was Crying And Running After Cars, Begging People To Help Her Sick Puppy

Desperate Mama Dog Was Crying And Running After Cars, Begging People To Help Her Sick Puppy

Mothers are capable of moving mountains in order to keep their children safe from harm. Their unconditional love is incomparable to any other...
A Lonely Stray Pup Who Drank Rainwater In Order To Survive Kept Begging Passers-by To Take Him In

A Lonely Stray Pup Who Drank Rainwater In Order To Survive Kept Begging Passers-by To Take Him In

When two rescuers were returning home from a long day of work, they met the most adorable friend ever. An adorable brown pup...
Two Tiny Puppies Owned By A Homeless Man Found In Critical Condition In The Freezing Cold

Two Tiny Puppies Owned By A Homeless Man Found In Critical Condition In The Freezing Cold

For some canines, having a nice and warm home filled with love is a privilege. For others, it’s just an unattainable dream. When...