
Dog Abandoned By His Family Was So Heartbroken That He Completely Shut Down From The World

Dog Abandoned By His Family Was So Heartbroken That He Completely Shut Down From The World

Horrible things can happen to almost anyone these days. However, it’s when these things affect the people we are closest to that it...
Volunteer Finds A Starving Dog Lying Helplessly In The Nearby Bushes And Immediately Rushes To Help

Volunteer Finds A Starving Dog Lying Helplessly In The Nearby Bushes And Immediately Rushes To Help

It takes a huge heart to be a dog rescuer, and not just in the “feeling empathy” context. Sometimes, you need a great...
Owner Decides To Give Up His Special-Needs Pittie Because ‘He Wasn’t Mean Enough’

Owner Decides To Give Up His Special-Needs Pittie Because ‘He Wasn’t Mean Enough’

One of the worst traumas in a dog’s life is definitely being in the wrong home. There are still some people with not-so-good...
Skinny Dog That Ate Rocks And Twigs In Desperate Need Of Food Finally Gets A New Family

Skinny Dog That Ate Rocks And Twigs In Desperate Need Of Food Finally Gets A New Family

Most stray dogs I’ve seen struggle so much to survive. They would sometimes go days without any proper food, and the little they...
Man Spots A Little Ball Of Fluff Lying By The Road, Then Realizes What It Is

Man Spots A Little Ball Of Fluff Lying By The Road, Then Realizes What It Is

Animal rescuers truly are heroes. Not only do they dedicate their entire lives to saving animals in need, but they also put themselves...
A Man Was Shocked To Discover An Abandoned Dog Chained Up To A Neighboring House

A Man Was Shocked To Discover An Abandoned Dog Chained Up To A Neighboring House

When a man living in Detroit came home, he noticed something moving in the abandoned neighboring house. When he went to investigate, he...
Matted Dog Who Looked Like A Rug Gets The Transformation Of A Lifetime And Becomes A Brand New Dog

Matted Dog Who Looked Like A Rug Gets The Transformation Of A Lifetime And Becomes A Brand New Dog

I’m pretty sure that every groomer has had one of those instances where they had one of those cases that made them step...
Construction Workers See A Mysterious Shadow Beneath The Trap And Decide To Investigate

Construction Workers See A Mysterious Shadow Beneath The Trap And Decide To Investigate

On a cold winter day, construction workers were finishing their job on the new construction of Bushland High School, in Bushland, Texas. It...
Young Pittie Girl Found Cruelly Dumped By The Road With Nothing But A Single Bag Of Food

Young Pittie Girl Found Cruelly Dumped By The Road With Nothing But A Single Bag Of Food

Bluu was found on the side of the road in Kentucky by a Good Samaritan, who was devastated by the sight of the...
Woman Going On A Trip Spots A Severely Matted Dog Trying To Survive Near A Busy Road

Woman Going On A Trip Spots A Severely Matted Dog Trying To Survive Near A Busy Road

Seeing stray dogs living on the street is not uncommon. It happens every day – people abandon and leave them to starve regardless...