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The Words Of Experts About The Mysterious Dog Respiratory Illness That Has Been Spreading In The US

The Words Of Experts About The Mysterious Dog Respiratory Illness That Has Been Spreading In The US

Since the summer of 2023, rumors have started about a mysterious respiratory disease affecting more and more dogs in the U.S. The first...
Rescuers Moved To Tears As They Discover A Blind Pup Who Was Caged Up For Years Crying Out For Help

Rescuers Moved To Tears As They Discover A Blind Pup Who Was Caged Up For Years Crying Out For Help

Mika was a very depressed pup who spent 10 years of her life locked in a cramped, dirty, dark cage where she was...
Rescuers Were Heartbroken To See This Trembling Dog In A Doghouse Near A Road So They Saved Him

Rescuers Were Heartbroken To See This Trembling Dog In A Doghouse Near A Road So They Saved Him

It’s hard to imagine that someone can look at innocent and soulful puppy eyes and then turn their back on them and dump...
A Little Abandoned Puppy Who Was Lying On The Concrete Kept Crying, Wishing To Be With Her Mom

A Little Abandoned Puppy Who Was Lying On The Concrete Kept Crying, Wishing To Be With Her Mom

All puppies need their mother’s infinite love and her sweet kisses. Her loving embrace is the place where they feel the safest and...
The Sweetest Homeless Dog Ever Lives Outside For 7 Years, Waiting For Her Lucky Day

The Sweetest Homeless Dog Ever Lives Outside For 7 Years, Waiting For Her Lucky Day

“You don’t need much to be happy and content with your life,” is what Inna would say – if she could speak! “You...
Family Went To Find Their Missing Dog Only To Learn She Has New Company Now

Family Went To Find Their Missing Dog Only To Learn She Has New Company Now

A yellow Labrador Retriever by the name of Kota Bean is known in her family for being a very successful escape artist. Not...
Dog Walker Writes Heartbreaking Tribute After His Beloved Senior Pup Crosses The Rainbow Bridge

Dog Walker Writes Heartbreaking Tribute After His Beloved Senior Pup Crosses The Rainbow Bridge

Anyone who had the opportunity to meet Alison knew what a special dog she was. She had many people who loved her, though...
Abandoned Dog Tied To A Tree Can’t Stop Smiling When Kind Humans Finally Find Him

Abandoned Dog Tied To A Tree Can’t Stop Smiling When Kind Humans Finally Find Him

How can you ever resist a dog’s smile? Or, their wiggliest, happiest tail wag? Here’s a simple answer – you can’t! And, neither...
Woman Made A Shocking Discovery When She Found A Small Plastic Bag In The Bushes

Woman Made A Shocking Discovery When She Found A Small Plastic Bag In The Bushes

Luck is a factor in dog rescue that is often overlooked. When you think about it, stray animals can sometimes avoid being seen...
Rescuers Found A Litter Of Puppies In A Hole But Noticed Their Mom Is Not With Them So They Tried Something Creative

Rescuers Found A Litter Of Puppies In A Hole But Noticed Their Mom Is Not With Them So They Tried Something Creative

Dog mamas are just like human ones: when their babies cry, they run to the rescue. It is incredible to think that animals...