Pug Skin Problems: 8 Reasons Why Your Pet Feels Irritated


Pug skin problems might not be the most serious medical conditions, but they shouldn’t be overlooked either as they can cause severe damage to the skin.

Brachycephalic canines, such as your Pug are prone to many respiratory and skin issues because of the shape of their muzzle and the numerous wrinkles on their head.

The health problems that are mentioned in the list below can appear in all crosses, types, and colors of the Pug.

Therefore, inform yourself about Pug skin problems in time in order to prevent more severe infections and diseases by reading this article about the most common health issues your pet can have!

The Most Common Pug Skin Problems

This canine breed seems to be predisposed to a significant number of different medical issues that are generally related to skin.

During their life, Pugs can experience various skin conditions such as rash, pimples, allergies, and other skin irritations.

Fortunately, the majority of these skin conditions can be treated with various shampoos, lotions, creams, and medical treatments.

The most common Pug skin issues will be discussed in the list below, so read on to find out what can cause skin irritation on your pup:

1. Different Types Of Allergies

pug Sneezing

There are various types of allergies that might negatively impact your pet and cause skin problems on your Pug. If you’ve ever noticed some kind of unexplainable rash on your pup’s skin, it might be an allergy, especially if it repeats from time to time.

An allergic reaction can be triggered by many things, including food, dust, mold, pollen, feathers, medications, etc.

A Pug’s system reacts similarly to all these triggers, but there are still slight differences that might help you determine what type of allergy is in question.

In the following few paragraphs, we will discuss each allergy type in more detail, so you can recognize the symptoms in time and take your Pug to the vet.

Food Allergy

These adorable little pups are more likely to suffer from food allergies than most people think.

Some canines can eat almost anything without ever showing any sign of allergies or any other issues. On the other hand, some pups will have an allergic reaction to various food or anything from their surroundings.

For Pugs, grains seem to be one of the main allergens that cause stronger reactions. However, this isn’t the only ingredient that might be problematic as canines can exhibit intolerances to a great number of ingredients.

A popular misconception about allergic reactions to food is that they can’t appear in later stages of a Pug’s life. Even though the majority of allergies show during early puppyhood, your pet might have an allergic reaction to the food it ate without problems a few days ago.

What Are The Most Common Food Allergens For Pugs?

Your Pug can react to almost any food, without a doubt, but some foods and ingredients are already known as allergens.

If you notice that your pet has itchy or dry skin, you might want to pay attention to the relation between the time these issues appear and the time of consumption of a certain food.

Here is a list of the foods that might behave as triggers to allergic reactions:

• Dairy

• Eggs

• Lamb

• Corn

• Beef

• Chicken

• Grain

• Soy

You can find useful information on the desirable food for these dogs in our Pug feeding chart.

Symptoms Of Food Allergies

Essentially, a physical reaction to a particular food is the immune system’s response to a certain ingredient (usually a protein) that is recognized as the “enemy.” The most common external reactions are:

• Rash

• Sneezing

• Pigmented parts of the skin

• Itchiness

• Scaly skin

• Hair loss

• Bacterial infections

• Red skin

• Ear infections

How Do You Treat Food Allergies?

The best way to treat an allergy is to treat the skin during the allergic reaction by using medications such as antifungal cleaning products, topical creams, and lotions.

As soon as the reaction ceases, you should begin to identify the exact allergen and make adjustments to your canine’s food.

Keep in mind that this will be a trial and error process, which might be tiresome at times, but once you detect the cause of the allergy, you’ll be able to find dog food suitable for your pet.

Environmental Allergies

There are plenty of allergens inside and outside of your home such as insects, plants, etc. when it comes to Pugs and other breeds that are susceptible to allergies.

The symptoms of allergic responses to food are almost identical to the indicators that are being displayed here.

However, you should check your canine thoroughly because there might be chances that it was bitten by a bug, which might require special care or needs.

The affected areas usually suffer from bacterial skin infections, fungal infections, scabs (caused by severe cases of skin irritations), etc.

How Do You Treat Environmental Allergies?

vet examining pug

Unfortunately, there’s not much that you can do about this issue as your pet can’t be magically cured of skin allergies with supplements or any type of medications taken on your own.

However, what you can do is take your Pug to the vet, who’ll perform an allergy test that will tell you exactly what is the cause of the allergy.

After the testing, all you can do is try to avoid the allergens if possible, and carry the prescribed medications in case the pet comes in contact with it.

Veterinarians usually go for antihistamines as this is considered to be one of the most efficient medications against environmental allergies.

However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t give your pet any medication without prior consultation with a health professional.

Seasonal Allergies

Just like humans, Pugs can also be sensitive to different seasons. Better to say, this dog breed can be quite sensitive to the environmental changes that come with certain seasons.

Spring is usually known as one of the seasons during which most people and animals show signs of allergies because of the pollen from specific plants.

The most common symptoms of seasonal allergies are respiratory issues, sneezing, and itchiness.

In some cases, the vet can diagnose Atopy (atopic dermatitis), which is also quite common among canines and humans.

How Can You Treat It?

The answer is pretty much the same as for environmental allergies. Most people would even think that environmental and seasonal allergies mean the same.

The main difference between them lies in the fact that environmental allergies last throughout the whole year, while seasonal allergies last until the end of a certain season or until the allergen is gone (such as pollen from trees).

On the other hand, Pugs aren’t hypoallergenic either as they’re heavy shedders, just like their short-haired companions – Dobermans, Boxers, Greyhounds, Bull Terriers, etc.

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Therefore, if you suffer from allergies as well, you might not be destined to become a Pug owner.

2. Demodectic Mange

Demodectic Mange

This skin issue is known to manifest itself in canines of every type and age, but Pugs are among the breeds that are specifically prone to it.

It generally affects puppies, but it can be seen in adult canines as well, especially if they were in contact with a furry friend that has it.

The main culprit of this skin issue is the demodex mite – a tiny parasite which makes a huge mess on your pet’s skin.

Hairfall, inflammation of certain parts of the body, and red and itchy skin are just some of the signs that your pet is suffering from this medical issue.

All canines can suffer from Demodectic Mange, but Pugs and other short-haired pups might have an advantage over longer-haired canines, such as Long Haired French Bulldogs, Long-Haired Dalmatians, Long-Haired Belgian Malinois, and others.

The main reason for this is the fact that Pug owners can detect the issue in its early phase because Pugs have a short coat, while long-haired types might not show symptoms in time.

How Do You Treat Demodectic Mange?

It is essential to begin treatment for this condition as soon as possible.

This type of illness is extremely contagious, and it might cause even more significant infestation of demodex mites.

However, the good thing is that this infestation is easy to treat; all you need is a couple of sprays and shampoos for Pugs which will remove the mites and calm the skin.

If you’re not sure which products are suitable for your pup, you can contact your vet and ask for advice. Also, you can find useful information in our article on how to treat mange in dogs at home.

3. Different Types Of Dermatitis

dog having Dermatitis

Pugs are one of the canine breeds that is prone to various skin conditions; most of which turn out to be a type of dermatitis or allergy.

In humans, allergies are manifested through a running nose, sneezing, or watery eyes. However, canines usually have either digestive or skin issues.

The reason for this is that a canine’s skin contains a greater number of mastocytes than human skin, which produce histamines – chemical components in the body that fight allergens.

These chemicals are generally found in the pup’s skin, which is why this organ suffers the most during contact with an allergen.

Here are some of the most common types of dermatitis that might appear in your pup:

Skin Fold Dermatitis

This is a really unpleasant skin problem that manifests itself in the majority of creases and folds of a canine’s skin.

Due to the fact that Pugs have a great number of wrinkles all around their skin, it’s no surprise that they’re prone to this type of dermatitis.

It’s generally a result of excessive moisture and dirt that has built up in the creases, which then cause inflammation of the skin.

The symptoms are usually visible around the armpits, tail, nasal folds, and other parts.

Skin fold dermatitis is very common among Pugs and its mixes, including:

• English Bulldog Pug cross

• Corgi Pug cross

• GSD Pug cross

How Can It Be Treated?

pug having Dermatitis

The easiest way to prevent this skin issue in time is to keep your canine clean, and to make sure that the creases are well-dried after a bath.

If your pup already has dermatitis, take him to the vet so he can receive the right medical treatment.

You can also ask your vet about antibacterial wipes (or antifungal, depending on the severity of the condition), which will help you keep your pup clean until his next bath.

Hot Spot Dermatitis

This condition is one of the most frequent skin problems that almost any canine has during their lifetime. Some people call it this, while others know it as moist dermatitis.

The name says it all – this type of dermatitis occurs when your pet Pug focuses on one spot on its body.

Canines often scratch and lick their skin, which is completely normal, but if they repeat this on only one part of their skin, it’ll become irritated, even more itchy, and red.

If you notice scabs and redness on one part of the dog’s skin, you should react immediately to prevent more serious damages to the skin.

How Can You Treat It?

You can try with antibacterial ointments and hot spot sprays in the early stages, but if you notice the spot progressing in redness and thickness, it would be best to visit a vet.

A veterinarian will probably give your pup antibiotics or other medications to treat the damaged area.

4. Skin Fold Pyoderma

cute pug

This is a skin disease that is similar to skin fold dermatitis, but different in the sense that this condition appears as a result of the presence of pus – the fluid that is a mix of dead skin cells, dandruff, and bacteria.

One of the main culprits of this health problem is dog obesity because it creates more folds and creases, which are suitable for the development of discharge.

How Can It Be Treated?

Your veterinarian will probably suggest placing your dog on a diet program in addition to prescribing medications and skin treatment for Pyoderma.

The majority of overweight canines suffer from this problem.

Although weight loss does not necessarily treat skin disorders, it can significantly lower the risk of developing conditions, such as this one.

5. Ear Mites

pug having Ear Mites

Remember Demodectic Mange? Well, here’s another mite-caused skin issue that can cause quite a mess on your pup’s skin.

The main difference between these two conditions is that the first one might appear all over the body, while the later one is related to darker and more moist places, such as the canine’s ears.

These parasites are so small that they’re almost impossible to see with the human eye. However, they cause chaos on tissue in the ear.

Mites cause discomfort and leakage because they feed on the fluids and tissues of their hosts.

If the infection isn’t treated in time, it can spread to other parts of the face and body as well.

How Can It Be Treated?

The best advice you can receive about this skin issue is the one given by a health professional.

Insecticidal solutions can help in a great way to heal the skin and wipe out the mites from your pet’s ears.

These parasites usually inhabit the skin of Pugs with a weak immune system, so it would be good to make an additional analysis once you go to the vet.

Pugs have short hair, but that doesn’t prevent the mites from finding a home around and in their ears.

That’s why you should take good care of your pet’s hygiene; make sure that the canine’s ears are always clean.

Pugs aren’t the only canine breed that suffers from this health issue. Longer-haired canine types can also be affected by ear parasites, which is why you should keep their hair as trimmed and clean as possible.

6. Ulcerations And Lesions

dog having Ulceration

For pet owners, these two conditions seem as if they come suddenly, without any signs or symptoms whatsoever.

Both ulcerations and lesions begin in a mild way as an inconsequential annoyance that isn’t related to a specific part of the body.

As we all know – pets, including Pugs, love to scratch their body, which is why it’s difficult to distinguish whether there’s a health issue or just a canine’s habit.

However, if they’re left untreated, these conditions can cause serious harm to your dog’s skin and it’s overall health.

How Can You Treat Them?

This health issue can’t be treated with home remedies, especially if there’s an underlying issue, such as an autoimmune medical condition.

A health professional is the only person who can give your pup the right diagnosis and treatment.

7. Ringworm Rash

Ringworm Rash

Just like the name says, this type of skin condition is characterized by a rash on the skin that appears in a circle, which resembles a ring.

Ringworm usually appears because of a fungal infection that progresses really fast and leaves your pup’s skin in damaged condition.

If you notice that your pup is losing hair around its eyes, on its back, paws, and other parts of the canine’s body, there are high chances it’s a ringworm infection or alopecia.

This type of condition is highly contagious, so make sure to be careful around your pet because it might transfer to you as well.

How Can You Treat It?

Ringworm can be treated by oral medications and topical solutions.

However, oral medications are a better solution if your pet shows more serious symptoms of this condition.

Topical ointments can be used in milder cases.

8. Fleas

close shot of Flea

Last, but not least – Fleas!

These pests cause one of the most prevalent skin problems that affect all types of canines, and they can be found everywhere.

The skin becomes irritated after a flea bite, which causes frustration in canines, and this leads to harsh scratching and skin breakages.

This ultimately results in a condition known as folliculitis – a skin issue characterized by the formation of severe lesions and open sores.

How Do You Treat It?

The easiest solution is to remove the fleas with special shampoos and a good brush for Pugs.

You can also get flea collars for your Pug pet, or medication on a monthly basis.

However, if you plan to go for medication, I’d suggest you speak with a veterinarian first.

Pug Skin Problems: Wrapping Up

pug having Fleas

As you can see, there are plenty of Pug skin problems that might affect your pet’s health.

Fortunately enough, most of these skin issues don’t require any severe treatment, but you should still be careful and observe your pet from time to time just to make sure there are no changes on its skin.

Yeast infections and dermatitis can be really stubborn, but if you reach them in time, you can reduce the chances of both conditions happening again!

There’s no need to fear – with the right treatment, your Pug will be as good as new no matter what type of skin issue develops.


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