How Much Do Dobermans Shed? FAQ About Doberman Shedding


With their slick, short coat, it is a common belief that the Doberman Pinscher won’t shed. Considering they are one of the best-known breeds worldwide, many people wonder how easy it is to maintain these dogs. What is the truth?

All dogs shed.

While some dogs will leave a hair here and there, others require you to walk behind them with a vacuum cleaner, sucking up all the dead hair from your furniture. But how much do Dobermans shed?

Let’s find out.

How Much Do Dobermans Shed?

black dobberman standing in sideview at the green grass outdoors

The Doberman Pinscher is a large dog breed that many people say resembles a thin and athletic Rottweiler. The first person to breed them was Louis Dobermann, and they carry his name.

They were initially bred to guard people’s properties, a reputation they hold to this day. In fact, it is said that there isn’t a better guard dog than a Dobie.

Their sleek coat, muscular build, and overall regal appearance make them look like royalty. These dogs are energetic and smart, and they make both great police and military dogs and house pets.

Just keep in mind that they can be wary of strangers. Early socialization is key when dealing with this breed. Otherwise, you may end up with your Dobe becoming a nightmare for your postmen or tax collector.

They are recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) and perform excellently at dog shows.

A Doberman’s coat is short and sharp, so you shouldn’t expect too much shedding, despite the fairly thick undercoat. On average, you can expect low to moderate shedding.

This type of dog’s hair looks a bit like eyelashes. This is how short their coat is. If you have a Doberman and don’t clean after him regularly, these tiny hairs might cause many problems.

While some hair loss should be expected with any furry animal, Dobermans aren’t big shedders. Usually, you’ll only end up with a small pile of hair, even if you don’t groom him regularly.

A Doberman shedding isn’t half as bad as some longer-haired breeds. In fact, a small percentage of Doberman owners even claimed their dogs don’t shed at all!

How Bad Is It?

pure bred doberman lying down in the outdoors green grass

How bad the shedding is, depends not just on your pooch but also your interior. Since this breed of dog has dark (usually black or brown) fur, if you have light-colored furniture, the hairs will stand out more than if your sofa was black or grey.

However, looking at many Doberman owners’ testimonies, we can briefly overview how much trouble the dog hair is.

If you’re worried about your floor – don’t be. The only place where the hairs are very noticeable is tile, where small to medium clumps of hair may appear. Still, this will only happen if you haven’t cleaned your floor for quite a while.

You most likely won’t notice any hair on your carpets, even if they are white since a Dobe’s coat is very short. To make sure the mess isn’t visible at all, you may want to consider getting a rug with darker speckles, but this isn’t necessary.

One of the places where shedding is the most noticeable usually is on clothes. With a Doberman, though, the low shedding means your clothes will be free of dog hair most of the time.

Static doesn’t affect its fur as much, so the hair won’t stick to your clothes too badly.

Still, as the hair is stiff and pointy, it can stick into your clothes, especially with denser fabrics. However, this means you’d have to physically rub a part of your body against your dog for this to happen.

Considering the low shedding amount and a Doberman’s short hair, if you clean your upholstery regularly, you won’t have too many issues.

As we’ve mentioned before, pointy hair can get stuck into denser fabric, like your furniture. This will make it difficult to remove.

Unless your hands are wet, you won’t end up with your Doberman’s hairs on them after petting them.

Keep in mind that a few Doberman owners have reported their pet’s sharp hair pricking them, especially in their feet after walking around their home barefoot. However, this is extremely rare.

About A Doberman’s Fur

young doberman purebred in nature standing

Understanding a Dobie’s coat is essential to understanding whether Doberman’s shed and how much.

A Doberman’s skin is entirely covered with hair that is around half an inch long. This hair is harsh and pointy.

It takes around 21 to 30 days for a hair to be renewed. This doesn’t happen at the same time for every single hair, which is why it seems like your doggie is continuously shedding.

Each of the five billion hair follicles has its own cycle, making it seems like there is always hair falling off.

As your pooch grows older, his hair goes through several stages.

When he is just a puppy, his hair will be soft and slightly longer than an adult dog. This is because a young dog’s body takes in composite materials that make the hairs and control the maturation process.

Although important, hair is secondary during the growth period. Because of this, until a dog is mature, his hair won’t be of high quality. Instead, his body uses these materials to develop his bones, teeth, and muscle mass.

As soon as the dog matures, his hair will change – most notably, it will become harder, as the body cannot focus on the fur quality.

Some sources claim Dobermans don’t have an undercoat. However, they do. It is located on his neck, thighs, hips, and the base of the tail. While it is more intense in puppies, adult dogs have it too.

The undercoat is grayish or light brown, very photosensitive, and it will change color depending on the sunlight. For example, many Doberman owners have reported their dog “blushing” during the summer months.

Once the colder season comes, a Doberman will lose this new shade and go back to his usual fur. This is when you might notice a slight increase in shedding.

Will My Doberman Shed More In Winter?

doberman sony walking with his stick in the mouth in the snow

Considering the dog’s coat changes with the seasons, you may wonder, “do Dobermans shed more in winter or spring compared to the rest of the year?”

In general, there isn’t too big a difference in the amount of shedding. If your dog spends most of his time indoors, he may not even grow a winter coat.

You may see a slight increase in shedding in winter or spring when the general shedding season occurs. This won’t be too noticeable, though, as this breed of dog doesn’t have a coat that changes too much with the weather.

Are Dobermans Hypoallergenic?

woman facing a doberman lying down in the ground outdoors

Since you know the answer to the question, “Do Dobermans shed?” you probably think they are hypoallergenic. But are they?

“Hypoallergenic” means the dog doesn’t have any allergens; therefore, it won’t cause an allergic reaction. This is where the problem arises.

There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog. No matter what the breeder might tell you, Dobermans aren’t hypoallergenic dogs.

What causes allergies isn’t a dog’s hair, but rather proteins canines secrete. These proteins can be found in dogs’ saliva, and from there it spreads to the fur and dander, which then helps scatter it around.

Since all dogs secrete proteins, all dogs can cause you issues.

Despite this, you shouldn’t panic. Dobermans are still an excellent choice if you tend to be allergic to dogs. Their short hair has several benefits.

First off, since the hairs are small, they won’t pile up as much as if you were to have a long-haired breed. In other words, you won’t have as much hair in your house as you would if you were to own a Golden Retriever, for example.

Secondly, you can clean a Doberman’s coat and shed hairs with ease. His fur isn’t prone to static cling and clumping. Thanks to this, you can keep it under control without too much hassle. This can help you with your allergy symptoms.

You should also understand that every organism is different, no matter if we’re talking about humans or dogs. Just because you had an issue with one dog breed doesn’t mean Dobermans will cause an allergic reaction.

In fact, even among the breed, some dogs secrete more allergen protein than others. You may have a reaction to one Doberman Pinscher and be perfectly fine with another one.

If you have severe allergic reactions to canines, it would be best to contact your doctor before getting yourself a new puppy. This way, you will know how to deal with breathing issues.

Reducing Shedding

man wiping the wet doberman with towel

Despite Dobermans not being huge shedders, there are many reasons why you may want to reduce their shedding. Luckily, there are easy methods to help you with just that.

One of the first things you need to do is to start brushing your pooch regularly. During the shedding season, you should brush him every day with a bristle brush.

Many Doberman owners brush their pets less frequently, just a few times a month. There is nothing wrong with that. However, regular brushing means his coat will be shinier, and there will be less loose hair flying around.

Another good idea is giving your Dobie monthly baths. Unless he gets really dirty, don’t bathe him more than that. You are risking drying out his skin and causing dandruff. Make sure you’re using a good dog shampoo for this!

Actually, you can also try an anti-shed shampoo or an oatmeal-based soap. Both will keep your doggie sparkly clean without damaging his skin.

The anti-shed shampoo is gentle, with healthy ingredients such as aloe vera, green tea leaf extract, ginseng, organic shea butter, etc. It has a balanced pH level adapted to your dog’s coat and also helps manage shedding and dandruff.

After bathing your dog, you should brush him with a grooming mitt or a wet cloth. Go over his entire body. This way, you’ll pick up any remaining loose hair.

Finally, the best way to control shedding is to feed your pup a balanced diet. Buy him only high-quality dog food that is rich in nutrients. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential for this.

Read More: Doberman Feeding Chart

Grooming Tips

man shaving doberman in the head part in white background

It is very easy to groom Doberman Pinschers.

You should brush him all over his body with a gentle bristle brush. Start from his head and ears before moving to his back, stomach, and legs.

Once you’re done with brushing, use a wet cloth to wipe the coat. This will buff up its shine.

If you want to have a Doberman that looks like he’s ready for a dog show, don’t make him wear a collar when he’s inside the house. If he wears it 24/7, the hair on his coat might start thinning.

Don’t forget to exercise your Dobie regularly! Believe it or not, this is connected to the quality of his coat and the amount he sheds.

Routine training will boost blood flow, which will nourish the hairs’ roots, resulting in shiny, healthy fur.

Despite the monthly baths, you should wipe him with a wet cloth or towel every week to get rid of any dirt.

How Much Is Too Much?

beautiful doberman peeping on the fence

As a Doberman owner, you are probably aware of how much he sheds. But how can you know when the shedding is abnormal?

It is never good to notice uneven hair loss. If there are patches of thinning fur – or worse, patches without any fur – on your Dobie, this is a bad sign.

Usually, these patches appear on the Doberman’s chest, neck, and stomach.

A healthy coat will always be shiny, with evenly distributed hair. Any bald patches are typically a sign of health issues.

In fact, Dobermans are prone to developing several health conditions that might first manifest themselves as abnormal hair loss.

One of the genetic problems Dobermans commonly have is hypothyroidism. This means their thyroid isn’t working correctly and doesn’t produce enough hormones. While it isn’t deadly, your Dobie should be properly treated for it.

If you notice any abnormal hair loss, you should rush your Doberman to the vet. You never know what underlying issue he might be experiencing.

Early detection is key to managing most health issues Dobermans can have. To ensure your dog has healthy genetics, always go to a reliable breeder who has insight into the dog’s DNA.

When you’ve ensured your dog doesn’t have hypothyroidism or some other complication, the vet will probably tell you to change your dog’s diet.

Doberman at home

Photo from: @ivy_the_dobermann

In most cases, you will have to feed your dog with food rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You can purchase most of these foods online, on sites such as Amazon or Chewy.

If the bald patches have signs of redness or irritation, your dog might have allergies. Another sign is your Doberman licking or scratching the suspicious areas. Both of these are a common sign of allergies in dogs.

Once again, even if you think this is ‘just’ an allergy, take your dog to the local veterinarian, who will know what you should do. They will also rule out any of the many worse scenarios.

Final Thoughts

Do Dobermans shed?

While every dog who has hair sheds to an extent, you won’t have many issues cleaning up after your Dobie. Maintaining his short fur is very easy, and his coat won’t pose a huge problem, even if you have white furniture.

However, if you notice any changes in the amount of shedding or his coat quality, it would be best to contact your local vet immediately. Dobermans are prone to certain health issues that can manifest in hair loss.

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How Much Do Dobermans Shed FAQ About Doberman Shedding

How Much Do Dobermans Shed? FAQ About Doberman Shedding
