My Dog Has Diarrhea But Is Acting Fine: 10 Common Reasons


Life with a dog means a new adventure every day. Our furry friends are extremely imaginative, and there is almost nothing they can’t think of. Sometimes, you wish your dog was just a little less active or if he would just lie still every once in a while!

But, in any case, we are happy when our dogs are healthy and happy. What scares you the most is when you notice a certain change in your dog.

My dog has diarrhea but is acting fine.

This is currently your question of the day. What caused your dog to have a problem with diarrhea? Did he eat something he shouldn’t have eaten, or maybe it’s a serious health problem?

Why doesn’t my dog behave like he usually does when he is not feeling well?

Before you worry, read this text. I’m sure it will be of great help to you!

My Dog Has Diarrhea But Is Acting Fine

the dog defecates in the park

Remember that time when you just welcomed your new pooch in your home?

Just think of all the adventures you had while trying to teach your puppy not to poop inside the house.

At first, he even refused to poop outside, but over time, he adopted this habit and your problems seemed to be over.

However, now, it seems that you are having problems with your dog’s digestion again.

Diarrhea in dogs is not so rare, and this is probably not the first time you have encountered this problem.

Some causes of diarrhea in dogs can be benign, and the dog will fully recover in a short period of time.

Even if your dog is acting normal, this does not necessarily mean that he feels that way. Maybe he has been suffering from a certain pain for a long time, and now he has gotten a little used to its presence. Maybe he has been having a problem with intestine diarrhea for a longer period of time.

If you notice diarrhea in your dog, especially if the diarrhea lasts longer, it is good to know the possible causes of this condition in your dog.

What Are The Signs Of Diarrhea In Dogs?

The main sign of diarrhea in dogs is a change in the shape of the dog’s stool. Dog feces are normally hard and shaped, but in the case of diarrhea, you will notice watery or mushy feces.

However, not every loose stool is diarrhea. Dogs sometimes will have feces that is softer than their standard feces is. This does not mean that every time this happens, they are dealing with diarrhea.

Even if your dog is potty trained, you may notice that he has defecated inside the house. So, it is a sudden phenomenon that the dog cannot control. Dogs can have either acute diarrhea or chronic diarrhea.

If your dog is otherwise in good health, acute diarrhea will probably be a short-term phenomenon from which the dog will recover quickly.

However, if it is chronic diarrhea, you will also notice additional symptoms, such as fever and lethargy in your dog. Additionally, your dog will have problems with diarrhea for more than a few days.

Also, an additional sign might be a lack of appetite in your dog. If you’re running out of ideas on what to feed your dog that has no appetite, pay attention to the dog’s poop. It is very possible that your dog has a problem with chronic diarrhea. In this case, it is necessary to seek the help of a veterinarian.

What Causes My Dog To Have Diarrhea?

For a good morning today, you were greeted by cleaning diarrhea out of the carpet. You immediately thought about what your dog could have eaten, or maybe he overindulged on last night’s dinner, which resulted in diarrhea this morning.

In order to reduce the hassle of searching for the cause of diarrhea in your dog, we have made a list of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs.

1. Wrong Nutrition

the dog is lying next to the food bowl

We all like to share food with our pooches sometimes. Simply, who would resist them when they approach us while we are eating and look a little at us… a little at our food, with a pleading look. You probably thought, A few bites can’t do harm to him, right?

This is very wrong thinking! Even if you have already given human food to your dog quite a few times, this does not mean that it should become your routine.

Maybe he didn’t have any reaction until now, and maybe the current diarrhea your dog is struggling with is precisely the result of the human food he ate.

Maybe he even has some food allergies.

Quite simply… dog food is there for a reason. Giving your dog spicy food or whipped cream is something you should avoid.

2. A Change In The Dog’s Diet

If you have recently changed your dog’s diet, it is possible that this is the cause of diarrhea. Some dogs react in this way to a change in diet. This happens especially often in older dogs.

This does not necessarily mean that the new dog food is bad it just takes some time for the dog to get used to it.

Because of these side effects, it would be a good idea not to change your dog’s food all at once. This change should happen slowly, step by step. So, how do you even change your dog’s diet?

Sometimes, this is very necessary due to the dog’s obesity, certain health problems, or simply because a certain dog food is significantly better than the one you used before.

To start, add some new food to your dog’s regular food. Every next day, slowly increase the amount of the new food. In this way, the dog should get used to the new food more easily, and it should not cause digestive problems for him.

3. Foreign Object Ingestion

Probably, almost every dog owner has at least once experienced that his dog swallowed something he shouldn’t have. If you have noticed yellow dog poop, it is possible that your dog has swallowed a yellow foreign object.

Diarrhea can also be an indication that a foreign object is in your dog’s digestive system.

If your dog has swallowed a foreign object, it is possible that there is a blockage in the intestines, which then causes diarrhea.

If this is the case, the vet will need to take an X-ray to check where the foreign object is in the dog’s body. Sometimes, if it is a small object, the dog will expel it from its body in a natural way.

4. Intestinal Parasites

a small dog defecates in the park

Diarrhea in dogs can, in some cases, be caused by intestinal parasites. Sometimes, white specks in the dog’s poop can also indicate that your dog has parasites.

There are various parasites that can be found in a dog’s intestines, and some of the most common ones that cause diarrhea are roundworms, giardia, and hookworms.

5. Poisoning

If you have suddenly noticed diarrhea in your otherwise healthy dog, it is possible that it has been poisoned.

Since dogs love to sniff and put all kinds of things in their mouth, they can easily ingest something harmful, such as rat poison or similar chemical substances that can harm their health.

If you have noticed that your dog wants to be alone along with the diarrhea, it is possible that he is in pain. Even if your dog seems fine, it is possible that he is poisoned, and diarrhea will be one of the physical indicators of this condition.

In such cases, it is necessary to contact a veterinarian immediately.

6. Medications

Some dogs are intolerant to certain medications, so due to medications, you could notice disorders in the dog’s gastrointestinal tract.

If your dog has been sick recently, or is suffering from certain pains, the veterinarian has probably prescribed certain medications.

If you soon notice diarrhea in your dog immediately after taking the medicine, there is a high probability that the dog does not tolerate the particular medicine well.

Some dogs can be allergic to certain substances in the medicine, so diarrhea occurs as a result of not tolerating the medicine. The only way to find out what your dog is allergic to is by consulting your veterinarian.

7. Stress

Stress seems to be one of the leading causes of human disease in the modern world. Well, believe it or not, stress can also be the cause of changes in your dog’s health!

This is especially noticeable in younger dogs. Various situations can be stressful for them. Maybe they are suddenly afraid of something inside the house, maybe they suffer from separation anxiety, or they don’t feel comfortable in the company of a certain person.

Anxiety and stress can cause nervousness in a dog’s stomach, resulting in diarrhea. Dogs are truly gentle and sensitive animals that react in various ways to changes in their environment.

8. Bacterial Infections

the dog is sitting on the snow and defecating

Bacterial Infections can seriously affect a dog’s bowel movement.

Some of the most common infections are caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella, and Bordetella.

How do dogs develop these infections in the first place?

Well, you may have once spotted your dog rolling on a dead animal. Apart from the fact that you didn’t like this scene at all, you didn’t really understand why a dog would do this in the first place?!

Well, quite simply… dogs love to smell everything! While there are some smells they hate, the stench of a dead animal is unfortunately not among them.

Just smelling a dead animal can be the way a dog gets a bacterial infection. In addition to dead animals, these bacteria can also be found in other things, or food that your dog sniffs while walking.

If an infection occurs, one of the symptoms is diarrhea.

In some cases, you may also notice bloody diarrhea. Bacterial infections are not harmless, and a veterinarian should be contacted immediately.

9. Viral Infections

Besides bacterial infections, a watery stool could also be a sign of a viral infection in your dog. Two of the most common viral infections are canine distemper and parvovirus.

Wild animals can transmit viral infections to dogs.

Such viruses can cause serious health conditions. Young dogs that do not have a developed immune system are especially exposed here. Also, older dogs that are in a weakened state of health are exposed. In order to avoid viruses, dogs must be properly vaccinated.

10. Diseases

In some cases, diarrhea in dogs can be an indication of serious health issues. If your dog has bouts of diarrhea, some of the illnesses that could be behind this health symptom are as follows:

• Liver disease

• Kidney disease

Inflammatory Bowel Disease

• Canine Colitis

• Pancreatitis


Of course, every occurrence of watery diarrhea does not mean that your dog has one of the diseases from the previous list.

Even repeated diarrhea does not have to be a sign that your dog is sick.

However, we think it is useful for you to know about the existence of certain diseases in dogs that diarrhea could indicate. You will react better if you are well informed.

Along with regular vet visits, a quality lifestyle, and proper vaccinations – be sure that you are doing your best when it comes to taking care of your dog.

Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea With No Other Symptoms?

the dog is standing next to the bushes while defecating

If your dog has diarrhea without any other symptom, it is probably due to a more benign cause. So, the dog has probably eaten human food, or its diet has just been changed, or it is intolerant to a certain food ingredient.

If it is one of these causes, the diarrhea will probably not be long-lasting. So, if you notice diarrhea in your puppy at night without any other symptom, chances are you don’t need to worry.

However, it is good to observe your dog’s behavior even when he seems to be fine. Being cautious is always a good idea!

How Long Should Diarrhea Last In Dogs?

The duration of diarrhea significantly depends on the age of the dog.

In small dogs, any diarrhea can unfortunately have a significant negative impact on their health. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. After having diarrhea a couple of times within a few hours, small dogs become very exhausted and weak.

In adult dogs, the situation is somewhat different. The dog will most often have diarrhea for a day or two, after which it should begin to slowly recover and return to normal.

However, if diarrhea in an adult dog lasts longer than two days, and in addition, you notice some other symptoms, such as an elevated body temperature, veterinary care is necessary.

What Is The Treatment For Diarrhea In Dogs?

If you come to your vet with the statement: My dog has diarrhea but is acting fine – he will probably ask you some general questions first.

For example, what has your dog eaten in the last few days? How is his digestion normally? What dog food do you use, and how long has the dog been struggling with diarrhea?

It is possible that the veterinarian will already know the cause of the diarrhea after a basic examination. If this is not the case, a blood analysis, a dog stool test, and other testing for diarrhea will follow.

Treatment depends, of course, on the cause of your dog’s diarrhea. In some cases, a lighter diet and a few days of rest will be enough for your dog to fully recover. Sometimes, the vet might advise you to add some supplements to the dog’s diet for his health improvement.

Also, your veterinarian will probably advise you to take care that your dog does not overeat, and to increase the time intervals between your dog’s meals.

If foreign object ingestion is the reason why your dog is struggling with diarrhea, your vet might need to undertake surgery.

In case it is a bacterial infection, the vet will prescribe anti parasitic therapy for your dog.

If it is determined that the dog is allergic to a certain food ingredient, the veterinarian will advise a diet for allergic dogs.

Home Remedies For A Dog’s Diarrhea

If you noticed diarrhea in your dog, but he is acting fine, there are some things you can try at home that could be helpful.

We remind you that if you notice any other symptom such as weight loss, or fever, or your dog keeps having diarrhea longer than 48 hours, do not do anything on your own! Contact your vet immediately!

Here is some advice on home remedies for your dog’s diarrhea.

1. Try Fasting

the dog lies on the bed and sleeps

Immediately after you notice diarrhea in your dog for the first time, it would be a good idea to try not to feed it for 24 hours. In this way, your dog’s intestinal mucosa will calm down and return to normal.

If it is a benign cause, fasting will help your dog to clean his digestive system.

2. Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Your dog should stop eating for a little while, but he should not stop drinking water. Water intake is very important with diarrhea in dogs.

Due to the existence of digestive disorders, there is a high possibility that your dog will become dehydrated. So, even if he refuses to drink water, try to persuade him to drink it so that he can recover as quickly as possible.

3. Try A Bland Diet

After the fast is over, you can start feeding your dog some lighter food in smaller portions.

Here, it is recommended to boil chicken for the dog, or feed the dog with food, such as white rice. Carrots are also useful food during the period when your dog is recovering from diarrhea.

The most important thing is that the dog should digest this food easily.

In most cases, the dog’s diarrhea should disappear completely within a day or two.

4. Give Your Dog Probiotics

If your dog has a problem with diarrhea, the balance of good and bad intestinal bacteria is disturbed.

Probiotics significantly help to restore the balance of bacteria in the dog’s digestive system.

5. Give Your Dog Rest

an adorable dog kisses a little girl lying on the floor

As with many other conditions, a dog with diarrhea will need to rest. A good rest will help your dog recover fast.

So, on these days, make sure your dog does not exercise. Playing sessions with your children are your dog’s favorite activity for sure, but try to avoid them for a day or two.

When he will be fully recovered, your dog will be ready for new fun adventures!

6. Show Support And Comfort To Your Dog

You are the person your dog trusts the most. You can notice this through everyday gestures, such as the fact that your dog loves to sleep so close to you.

He is truly your best friend, and in moments when he is sick, along with other recommendations, what can significantly help him are your comforting words. Pet him, and tell him how he will be as good as new very soon.

Dogs cannot understand all of our words, but they understand a lot from our gestures and by showing affection to them.

Finally, even if you are well-known for having recommendations about a dog’s nutrition, you probably sometimes have some uncertainties. If you need any advice on, for example, how much raw food is the best option for your dog, or on how to make puppy mush, you can always ask your vet for help.

After all, all you should take care of is that you are giving the best of yourself to raising a happy and healthy dog!

Can I Prevent Diarrhea In My Dog?

Diarrhea in a dog is quite a common phenomenon, which means that in a large number of cases, it will not indicate a serious medical condition.

However, we all want our dogs to feel good and not have any health problems. We, ourselves, know how unpleasant diarrhea can be as it interferes with our functional routine!

Although you cannot completely prevent diarrhea or watch over your dog every minute of the day, we still have some tips for you to reduce the possibility of diarrhea in your canine companion. They are as follows:

• Make sure that your dog does not overeat, and do not leave food available to him throughout the day. Some dogs seem to always be hungry, but this is not a reason to feed them with too much food too often!

• Many dogs will sometimes want to eat treats, but will refuse to eat dog food. Be careful with dog treats it is not advisable for a dog to eat too many treats!

• Do not introduce sudden changes in the dog’s nutrition.

• Always look at the expiry date on cans of dog food.

• Provide the dog with enough daily exercise.

• Make sure your dog always has clean water available to drink.


So, what can we conclude on the matter, My dog has diarrhea but is acting fine?

Well, maybe he is fine! Diarrhea is something that every dog will deal with, probably many times in their life. This condition does not have to be serious, and does not have to indicate any severe medical issue.

However, in some cases, your dog might act fine, but this could be because he got used to certain pain. Maybe he is struggling with a disease that is to be discovered later.

So, we recommend a proper diet for your dog, a regular feeding schedule, and a lot of water intake. Of course, regular vet checkups should also be a priority for you.

A dog’s health is the one thing you should care about before anything else. Therefore, read the signs of your dog’s behavior, and make sure your favorite pet and you will be spending a lot of wonderful time together!

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