Wild Life

The world’s first ѕurgerу! The bald eagle had its broken beak repaired with human tooth fillings in Alaska to continue living normally

The world’s first ѕurgerу! The bald eagle had its broken beak repaired with human tooth fillings in Alaska to continue living normally

This is one patient you wouldn’t expect to find flicking through magazines in a dentist’s waiting room. Cyrano the bald eagle was found...
Look: Sky Whale Spotted over Texas

Look: Sky Whale Spotted over Texas

posted it on his Facebook account, stating that it was taken by his sister-in-law’s grandkids during a stroll. The photo quickly went viral,...
The Pink Koshu Grapes of Japan

The Pink Koshu Grapes of Japan

The beautiful Koshu grapes, a rare and ancient Japanese variety, have recently gained international recognition, though their origins trace back over 1,000 years....
Giant Sea Elephant Emerges From the Ocean in Iceland

Giant Sea Elephant Emerges From the Ocean in Iceland

The magnificent “Elephant Rock” in Iceland!  On the island of Heimaey in Southern Iceland, a stunning natural rock formation rises from the ocean,...
Teddy Bear Sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) adds vibrancy to your garden

Teddy Bear Sunflower (Helianthus annuus ‘Teddy Bear’) adds vibrancy to your garden

Sᴜᴜflower ‘Velvet Qᴜeeᴜ’Deep bᴜrgᴜᴜdy petals wɩth a rɩch, velvety textᴜre sᴜrroᴜᴜdɩᴜg a dark, almost black, ceᴜtral dɩsk create a strɩkɩᴜg coᴜtrast agaɩᴜst a...
This Man From Greymouth Buys Turtle From Local Food Market And Releases Them Back To Sea

This Man From Greymouth Buys Turtle From Local Food Market And Releases Them Back To Sea

What a turtle-y awesome guy… (sorry) There’s seven different species of sea turtles in the world and because marine turtle fishing is still legal...
Artist Spends 8 Years Creating This Tree Chair

Artist Spends 8 Years Creating This Tree Chair

Peter Cook and Becky Northey met in 1995, became partners and began shaping trees into living art they call “Pooktre”. Credit: Pooktre.com Instead of...
He grew a 1.364 lbs pumpkin and then used it as a boat

He grew a 1.364 lbs pumpkin and then used it as a boat

A gigantic pimped-out pumpkin has been paddled down the River Ouse today after an incredible carve. Tom Pearcy rowed across the water in...
Angler snares ‘alien fish’ with 11million eggs inside ready to unleash ‘catastrophe’

Angler snares ‘alien fish’ with 11million eggs inside ready to unleash ‘catastrophe’

A breathtaking lake in the central United States has narrowly swerved “catastrophe” after a massive fish was scooped out of the water before...