
Good Humans Rescue An Injured Puppy Who Kept Crying As He Struggled To Get Out Of The Bush

Good Humans Rescue An Injured Puppy Who Kept Crying As He Struggled To Get Out Of The Bush

Giant-hearted people who were taking a walk in the park heard whimpering sounds coming from the nearby shrubbery. After following the crying noises,...
Shelter Volunteer Heartbroken As Her Love For Her Favorite Dog Comes To An Unexpected End

Shelter Volunteer Heartbroken As Her Love For Her Favorite Dog Comes To An Unexpected End

When Olivia Boblet started volunteering at the SPCA of Southwest Michigan, she never thought that she would fall head over heels in love...
Two-Month-Old Pup Hiding In A Tunnel After A Big Rainstorm Kept Crying, Until A Man Stopped By

Two-Month-Old Pup Hiding In A Tunnel After A Big Rainstorm Kept Crying, Until A Man Stopped By

Saving stray dogs’ lives is a challenge. Most of the time, it requires a lot of patience and dedication, especially given that plenty...
Man Spots An Amazon Box On The Road, Then Notices Someone Peeking Out From It

Man Spots An Amazon Box On The Road, Then Notices Someone Peeking Out From It

Although we all know how devastating it can be for a dog to be abandoned by his beloved human, we still read a...
Adorable Dobermen Who Spent A Year Locked In A Cage Kept Placing His Head In The Hands Of His Rescuers

Adorable Dobermen Who Spent A Year Locked In A Cage Kept Placing His Head In The Hands Of His Rescuers

When a pup endures abuse for an extended period, it is highly likely to develop aggressive behavior. They become so fearful of hoomans...
Woman In Disbelief After Shocking Surprise Is Left In A Plastic Container On Her Lawn

Woman In Disbelief After Shocking Surprise Is Left In A Plastic Container On Her Lawn

In my time writing about abandoned dogs, I’ve seen people leave them on the road, tie them up somewhere, or just dump the...
Rescuers Received A Call About A Litter Of Puppies On A Mountain Top So They Rushed To Help

Rescuers Received A Call About A Litter Of Puppies On A Mountain Top So They Rushed To Help

It was an ordinary day for rescuers when they suddenly received a call from a hiker who claimed that he saw six small...
Virginia Woman Shocked As Her Great Dane Delivers Stunning 21 Puppies In Just 27 Hours

Virginia Woman Shocked As Her Great Dane Delivers Stunning 21 Puppies In Just 27 Hours

Giving birth to a litter is always overwhelming, but a pretty special time to female dog owners! If you have witnessed one, then...
Man Adopted A Dachshund To Be More Motivated To ‘Go Out’ But His Plans Were Different

Man Adopted A Dachshund To Be More Motivated To ‘Go Out’ But His Plans Were Different

If there is one trait that humans share sometimes, it’s procrastination. Often, we feel like we should be doing something or going somewhere,...
Hikers Spotted A White Dot In The Leaves, They Could Not Believe Who They Found There

Hikers Spotted A White Dot In The Leaves, They Could Not Believe Who They Found There

When a couple from Chicago, Illinois went hiking, they thought it would be just another ordinary trip to nature and did not believe...