
Paralyzed Puppy Hit By A Car Hides In A Ditch Until A Giant-Hearted Man Finds Him

Paralyzed Puppy Hit By A Car Hides In A Ditch Until A Giant-Hearted Man Finds Him

My heart breaks for all the pups struggling out there on their own. With constant feeling of uncertainty and lack of a decent...
Dog Who Spent Her Life On A Chain Finally Learns What Freedom Is Like When She Is Saved By Rescuers

Dog Who Spent Her Life On A Chain Finally Learns What Freedom Is Like When She Is Saved By Rescuers

Gary was a dog who, throughout her entire life, had not been treated the way she deserved. She was in very bad physical...
Rescuers Stop To Save A Stray Female Dog, Only To Discover Her Amazing Secret

Rescuers Stop To Save A Stray Female Dog, Only To Discover Her Amazing Secret

Being a dog rescuer isn’t always glamorous, but it undeniably offers the most satisfying feeling ever!  That moment of certainty, when you realize...
Rescuers Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes When They Found This Paralyzed Dog Lying Near A Road

Rescuers Couldn’t Believe Their Eyes When They Found This Paralyzed Dog Lying Near A Road

There are really only two choices when stumbling into a dog in need — either you jump in to help, or not! For...
A Sad And Frightened Pup Who Was Hopelessly Lying At The Same Spot For Days Feels Safe Again

A Sad And Frightened Pup Who Was Hopelessly Lying At The Same Spot For Days Feels Safe Again

The residents in a California neighborhood became worried after they noticed a sorrowful canine who was lying on the same spot for days. ...
Rescuers Were Heartbroken When They Found A Puppy With No Legs Dumped In Trash

Rescuers Were Heartbroken When They Found A Puppy With No Legs Dumped In Trash

A dog born with some kind of deformation is not that rare of an occurrence. These puppies all want the same things others...
Good People Rescued A Box Full Of Puppies And Gave Them Lives Worth Living

Good People Rescued A Box Full Of Puppies And Gave Them Lives Worth Living

Rescuers with big hearts are always ready to go on another mission in order to save helpless animals in need. It was the...
Breeder Wanted His Blind Puppy Euthanized At The Clinic But The Vets Refused To Do It

Breeder Wanted His Blind Puppy Euthanized At The Clinic But The Vets Refused To Do It

Bing Bong was a newborn puppy who was brought to the vet when he was only three weeks old by a breeder who...
Rescuers Found This Matted Dog Lying In A Ditch And Gave Him A New Chance At Life

Rescuers Found This Matted Dog Lying In A Ditch And Gave Him A New Chance At Life

Hope is everything in life. While we can find ourselves in the situation where it’s difficult to believe we’ll get through a rough...
Stray Puppy In Desperate Need Of Help Got A Surgery That Changed His Life For The Better

Stray Puppy In Desperate Need Of Help Got A Surgery That Changed His Life For The Better

Rescuing animals in need is not a new occurrence for the rescue team of Saving Hope Rescue (SHR), an animal rescue based in...