
Rescuers Saved This Small Dog And Realized She Is Carrying A Huge Surprise

Rescuers Saved This Small Dog And Realized She Is Carrying A Huge Surprise

Sometimes, you just need to be in the right place at the right time – and your whole life can change!  That’s exactly...
Rescuers Honor Dog Mom’s Final Wish In Her Last Moments And Save Her 5 Newborn Puppies

Rescuers Honor Dog Mom’s Final Wish In Her Last Moments And Save Her 5 Newborn Puppies

In all the dog stories I have come across in my career, this particular one truly left me devastated. When I first saw...
Pup Was Stuck And Struggling In The Canal But Then Kind People Rushed To Her Rescue

Pup Was Stuck And Struggling In The Canal But Then Kind People Rushed To Her Rescue

While a couple was having a walk alongside a canal in Price, Utah, they heard some strange noises coming from the water. Taking...
Everybody Refused To Help This Dog Because He Was ‘Too Scary’ Until One Rescuer Came Along

Everybody Refused To Help This Dog Because He Was ‘Too Scary’ Until One Rescuer Came Along

After being forced to live the harsh realities of living on the streets, many animals tend to lose their trust in their two-legged...
Woman Spotted A Strange Animal By The Road And Decided To See Check Out What It Was

Woman Spotted A Strange Animal By The Road And Decided To See Check Out What It Was

Although, sometimes, at first, it seems that people have good intentions and want to adopt an animal to fill its days with happiness...
Witness This Dog’s Unique Breed That Ended Up Surprising Many People On The Internet

Witness This Dog’s Unique Breed That Ended Up Surprising Many People On The Internet

Throughout the history of dog evolution, many breeds have been mixed so today it is more difficult to find a purebred dog. In...
Kind Woman Sees A Dog Drowning In A Canal And Rushes To Save Him

Kind Woman Sees A Dog Drowning In A Canal And Rushes To Save Him

Out of all the rescue stories, the ones that always leave me heartbroken and make my day are the ones where stray dogs...
Shelter Staff Was Shocked When Owners Returned Their Dog Because Of His Size

Shelter Staff Was Shocked When Owners Returned Their Dog Because Of His Size

One of the biggest smiles that you can see on a shelter dog is the one at their very adoption day – and...
Cari and her puppy were abandoned by their owners and had to wander the streets looking for food, hoping to receive people’s prayers

Cari and her puppy were abandoned by their owners and had to wander the streets looking for food, hoping to receive people’s prayers

Cari was a loyal and loving mother dog. She had a litter of puppies a few months ago, and she had nurtured them...
This dog Mine was often abused by his family just because they didn’t like his appearance

This dog Mine was often abused by his family just because they didn’t like his appearance

Mine was a small, scruffy dog with a heart-shaped patch on his chest. He was often teased and bullied by his family, who...