
Woman Takes Her Dogs Hiking, Then Realizes She Forgot Something Really Important

Woman Takes Her Dogs Hiking, Then Realizes She Forgot Something Really Important

Being a dog owner is most certainly not an easy job. In many regards, it’s like having a toddler, but for 10 to...
Rescuers Find Scared Furry Baby Trapped In Home’s Ductwork After 3-Story Fall Through Vent

Rescuers Find Scared Furry Baby Trapped In Home’s Ductwork After 3-Story Fall Through Vent

Archie Bean’s harrowing ordeal left everyone absolutely shocked. At only 12 weeks of age, this 5-pound Pekingese boi accidentally slipped through an uncovered...
Neglected Mama Dog Used For Breeding Finally Learns What It Is Like To Live A Normal Life

Neglected Mama Dog Used For Breeding Finally Learns What It Is Like To Live A Normal Life

I’ve seen hundreds of situations where an owner would get himself a dog only to use her for breeding and profit. In most...
A Group Of Cyclists Shocked To Discover A Box With An Unexpected Surprise In It

A Group Of Cyclists Shocked To Discover A Box With An Unexpected Surprise In It

A group of recreational cyclists were on their usual trail when a single cardboard box dumped by the bridge made them hit their...
Adorable Stray Pup Who Was Found Eating Trash To Survive Had His Fur Covered In 100 Stickers

Adorable Stray Pup Who Was Found Eating Trash To Survive Had His Fur Covered In 100 Stickers

To be quite honest with you, I can hardly imagine what it must feel like to be a stray dog. A stray dog’s...
Shocked Owner Comes Back Home Expecting To See Her Dog, But Finds A Strange Note Instead

Shocked Owner Comes Back Home Expecting To See Her Dog, But Finds A Strange Note Instead

Dogs are known troublemakers. However, unlike most humans, many of them don’t realize that what they are doing sometimes is going to cause...
Rescuers Heartbroken To Find Mom Dog And Her Baby Struggling To Survive Near Building

Rescuers Heartbroken To Find Mom Dog And Her Baby Struggling To Survive Near Building

Out of all the things that I will never understand, one thing in particular is how people can just abandon their pets in...
Dog Celebrated His First Shelter Birthday And Had Only One Wish, It Has Not Yet Come True

Dog Celebrated His First Shelter Birthday And Had Only One Wish, It Has Not Yet Come True

We all know that a shelter is not an ideal place for a dog. Unfortunately, more and more of our furry friends are...
Puppy Rejected By His Momma Due To Deformity Now Has The Best Life Ever

Puppy Rejected By His Momma Due To Deformity Now Has The Best Life Ever

When life throws you lemons, make lemonade! Or, in Flipflop’s words, when life presents challenges, overcome them with the sweetest smile!  Bosley’s Place,...
Texas Resident Stumbles Upon A Shocking Surprise Next A Cardboard Box Marked “Free”

Texas Resident Stumbles Upon A Shocking Surprise Next A Cardboard Box Marked “Free”

Two adorable puppies have captured the attention of the local community after being discovered at the Cleveland, Texas post office, nestled beside a...