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17 Poodle Breeders In California – Best Golden State Breeders

17 Poodle Breeders In California – Best Golden State Breeders

They are smart and beautiful, with a sense of elegance that follows them wherever they go. And, they’ve been everywhere — all around...
The Miniature German Shepherd: Mini Cuteness Overload

The Miniature German Shepherd: Mini Cuteness Overload

Have you ever heard of a dog that is supposed to be a smaller version of the all-time favorite shepherd? Of course, we...
Is The Short-Legged German Shepherd Purebred?

Is The Short-Legged German Shepherd Purebred?

I have come across many posts online where the owners of short-legged German Shepherds ask the same question: is my GSD with short...
14 Dog Breeds That Like Water, Or Better Said, Love It

14 Dog Breeds That Like Water, Or Better Said, Love It

Every dog has a distinct personality, and it happens that these dogs are marked as water lovers! How cool is it that these...
Rescuer Heartbroken To Find A Mom Dog And Her 8 Babies Abandoned Near Gas Station

Rescuer Heartbroken To Find A Mom Dog And Her 8 Babies Abandoned Near Gas Station

No pet deserves to be kicked out of their home and experience betrayal from the very humans they considered their family. Unfortunately, that’s...
Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese? The Truth About Dairy And Dogs

Can Dogs Eat Blue Cheese? The Truth About Dairy And Dogs

Evidence shows that humans have been making and eating different types of cheese for at least 8,000 years. It is estimated that around...
6 Best Dog Toys For Cane Corso: Strong Toys For Mighty Dogs

6 Best Dog Toys For Cane Corso: Strong Toys For Mighty Dogs

This post contains affiliate links, and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Is there a...
Dog Gum Color Chart: 5 Dog Gum Colors To Look Out For

Dog Gum Color Chart: 5 Dog Gum Colors To Look Out For

Owning a dog is a truly wonderful experience until it is not. We all know that having a dog is a big responsibility...
Three Reasons Why Dogs Are Scared Of Thunder

Three Reasons Why Dogs Are Scared Of Thunder

Humans have their own set of fears, but dogs in particular seem to share a few of theirs among their entire kind, particularly...
7 Fascinating Reasons Why German Shepherds Love Squeaky Toys

7 Fascinating Reasons Why German Shepherds Love Squeaky Toys

German Shepherds are magnificent dogs that are full of personality and energy.  And one of the things that can really bring out their...