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4 Best Doberman Breeders In New Jersey

4 Best Doberman Breeders In New Jersey

When you think about a Doberman dog, the first thing people usually think about is a big dog with a shiny black coat,...
Top 8 Samoyed Breeders In Ontario: Choose Your Sammy

Top 8 Samoyed Breeders In Ontario: Choose Your Sammy

If you’re looking for Samoyed breeders in Ontario, you’re probably interested in getting yourself a Sammy, the dog breed that possesses all the...
German Shepherd Rottweiler Mix: Germany’s Finest

German Shepherd Rottweiler Mix: Germany’s Finest

Hybrid dog enthusiasts – brace yourselves! The German Shepherd Rottweiler mix is one of the finest mixed breed dogs you’re going to find...
9 Boston Terrier Colors That You Will Adore (With Pictures)

9 Boston Terrier Colors That You Will Adore (With Pictures)

Well hello there! Let me introduce you to a very sophisticated pup, also known as the American Gentleman. Can you guess who it...
Truck Drivers Couldn’t Believe What They Found In A Pile Of Tires

Truck Drivers Couldn’t Believe What They Found In A Pile Of Tires

When truck drivers arrived at a sand pit in Crosby, Texas, to pick up some material, they were saddened to find a delightful...
Pitbull Separation Anxiety: What Is It And How To Stop It

Pitbull Separation Anxiety: What Is It And How To Stop It

How cool are Pitbulls? Very, if you ask me! These muscular athletes are nothing but sweet-hearted, loving, and affectionate human companions that crave...
Dog Abortion – Are They Possible? Guide And Information

Dog Abortion – Are They Possible? Guide And Information

Dog abortion isn’t a topic many people think about, but it still might end up being a necessary one. If your dog has...
6 Best Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders In Ontario

6 Best Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders In Ontario

When I think of the Bernese Mountain Dog, I always imagine one of those children’s picture books with lovely farm scenes. Berners are...
Goldendoodle Tail Docking – Mutilation For Fashion?

Goldendoodle Tail Docking – Mutilation For Fashion?

Do you know that every cosmetic tail-docking procedure is done without anesthesia? Not only that, but it is done by a “bonding procedure”...
Everything About The King Shepherd

Everything About The King Shepherd

The strongest subgroup of shepherd dog breeds includes the King Shepherd. The King Shepherd is widely recognized as a designer dog that has...