Pure Breeds

Do German Shepherd Puppies Change Color? Revealing The Facts

Do German Shepherd Puppies Change Color? Revealing The Facts

These popular working dogs are known for their intelligence, loyalty, and striking coat color. One question that many GSD owners and potential owners...
How To Breed German Shepherds – A Guide For New Breeders

How To Breed German Shepherds – A Guide For New Breeders

One could feel a little perplexed when trying to figure out how to breed German Shepherds for the first time. Due to their...
All The Differences Between Wolves And German Shepherd Dogs

All The Differences Between Wolves And German Shepherd Dogs

Ever wished you could own a wolf that acts like your German shepherd dog? There are some takes on it, but the whole...
The American Show-Line German Shepherd Is A Show Stopper

The American Show-Line German Shepherd Is A Show Stopper

You definitely saw this breed subtype plenty of times as the American show-line German shepherd dog is a common choice in the US....
How To Potty Train German Shepherd Puppy? 18 Housebreaking Tips

How To Potty Train German Shepherd Puppy? 18 Housebreaking Tips

When you decide on getting a German Shepherd, you need to know that it is a magical experience, but there are a lot...
Can German Shepherds Live In Apartments? 9 Things To Know

Can German Shepherds Live In Apartments? 9 Things To Know

When you decide on getting a German Shepherd dog, one of the main questions that a lot of future dog owners ask is,...
How To Build Muscle On A German Shepherd Dog? 4 Factors

How To Build Muscle On A German Shepherd Dog? 4 Factors

German Shepherd dogs (GSD) are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. There are a lot of questions that can...
What Are German Shepherds Bred For? Surprising Truth

What Are German Shepherds Bred For? Surprising Truth

Many people have been wondering what German Shepherds are bred for. Let’s face it… this working dog breed has a reputation of being...
German Shepherd Breeding – What Does It Involve?

German Shepherd Breeding – What Does It Involve?

German Shepherd breeding is a topic that often sparks passionate discussions and opinions. While the breed is known for its intelligence, loyalty, and...
Are Cane Corsos Banned In USA? Explaining This Prohibition

Are Cane Corsos Banned In USA? Explaining This Prohibition

The Cane Corso is a magnificent and intelligent dog whose name literally translated means bodyguard. But, there is another side of the coin;...