Pure Breeds

Male Vs Female Pug: The Gender Battle Is Back

Male Vs Female Pug: The Gender Battle Is Back

The word on the street is that you’re looking for a pet Pug. Is that true? Well, congratulations, because you have your mind...
What Were Maltese Bred For? Lap Dogs Or Watchdogs?

What Were Maltese Bred For? Lap Dogs Or Watchdogs?

What’s that one word for extreme cuteness? Maltese. As of today, the Maltese dog is one of the most popular dog breeds around,...
Male Vs Female Dogo Argentino: Which One To Choose?

Male Vs Female Dogo Argentino: Which One To Choose?

Are you having difficulty deciding which Dogo Argentino’s gender suits you better? Well, that’s certainly a tough question as both male and female...
European Vs The Standard Landseer Newfoundland

European Vs The Standard Landseer Newfoundland

Oh, the Landseer Newfoundland dog. These beautiful dogs can bring a lot of confusion. Some people might think that this breed is the...
East European Shepherd Vs German Shepherd: Who Wins?

East European Shepherd Vs German Shepherd: Who Wins?

The first time I saw a German Shepherd dog I was still a kid. But I remember I was mesmerized by  their beauty...
How To Identify A Full-Blooded German Shepherd

How To Identify A Full-Blooded German Shepherd

There are many reasons why the full-blooded German Shepherd is one of the most well-liked dog breeds in America. They are capable and...
The Australian Shepherd Tail Mystery — Do They Have A Tail?

The Australian Shepherd Tail Mystery — Do They Have A Tail?

Aren’t they cute when they wiggle their whole body when they are happy or excited? Australian Shepherd dogs are beautiful and smart pooches...
These 15 Borzoi Colors Are The Next In Fashion

These 15 Borzoi Colors Are The Next In Fashion

I plead guilty to being one of those people who open the wardrobe, only to find nothing but disappointment and frustration on the...
Vizsla Vs Weimaraner: Which Breed Is Better For Your Family

Vizsla Vs Weimaraner: Which Breed Is Better For Your Family

The two dog breeds, the Weimaraner and the Vizsla are both excellent in their own right, but do share many similar traits barring...
Where Can I Sell My Dog: 10 Best Places And Methods

Where Can I Sell My Dog: 10 Best Places And Methods

While the prospect of becoming a breeder does sound interesting and a great way to foster your love for dogs, it is an...