Pure Breeds

What Is A Lilac English Bulldog & How To Get One?

What Is A Lilac English Bulldog & How To Get One?

The Lilac English Bulldog is one of the most unique dog breeds in the world. This adorable looking pooch is a true show...
All About Long Haired French Bulldog & Taking Care Of It

All About Long Haired French Bulldog & Taking Care Of It

French Bulldogs have taken the dog internet by storm, and by now, every dog lover has heard of a Frenchie or short-haired French...
Blockhead Golden Retriever: Why Are They So Special?

Blockhead Golden Retriever: Why Are They So Special?

Being among those popular dog breeds we all know about sure means something big. Golden Retrievers are pups with a golden heart, supreme...
Chocolate French Bulldog: All On This Rare Coat Color

Chocolate French Bulldog: All On This Rare Coat Color

We all know how our favorite Frenchies look. They are small dogs with a fawn, cream, brindle, or white coat, and a flat...
What Is A Dogo Argentino And How To Take Good Care Of It?

What Is A Dogo Argentino And How To Take Good Care Of It?

There’s a popular belief amongst dog owners that there’s a difference between a family dog, a show dog, and a dog that’s trained...
Blue English Bulldog: A Guide To Care, Exercise, And Diet

Blue English Bulldog: A Guide To Care, Exercise, And Diet

Anyone who has owned or spent any time in the presence of a bulldog of any type will know just how loveable, soft,...
Presa Canario Vs Cane Corso: Similar, But Different?

Presa Canario Vs Cane Corso: Similar, But Different?

Presa Canario vs Cane Corso is a battle of the gentle giants. Still, not many dogs have such a bad reputation as Presa...
The Blue Merle Bulldog: The French And English Edition

The Blue Merle Bulldog: The French And English Edition

Since the beginning of time, people have found a way to modify everything around us in an effort to make things better. In...
Blue German Shepherd: All About This Unique Dog Breed

Blue German Shepherd: All About This Unique Dog Breed

At least half the people in a room will say german shepherds are black and tan. The other half will agree. But, how...
Blue Tick Beagle – A Complete Guide for Beginner Owners

Blue Tick Beagle – A Complete Guide for Beginner Owners

Initially, this dog was bred to be a hunting dog, mostly used for small game. That’s why it has such an alert and...