
Top 5 Agouti Husky Breeders In U.S.

Top 5 Agouti Husky Breeders In U.S.

When you first read ‘‘the agouti Husky’’ you may wonder what agouti stands for. It is actually a type of Siberian husky that...
Shiba Inu Husky Mix: Your Best Guide To An Adorable Hybrid

Shiba Inu Husky Mix: Your Best Guide To An Adorable Hybrid

Can’t make up your mind which dog breed you want? Perhaps you’re torn between a Shiba Inu or a Husky? Well, now you...
Blue Greyhound – Facts About The Rarest Greyhound

Blue Greyhound – Facts About The Rarest Greyhound

They are fast, beautiful, and elegant. These dogs have been an object of fascination and wonder for thousands of years for people across...
A Full Blooded Pitbull Or A Mix: How To Recognize?

A Full Blooded Pitbull Or A Mix: How To Recognize?

The phrase “Full Blooded Pitbull” intimidates a lot of people, but without a specific reason. When talking about this specific term, many questions...
Top 5 Apple Head Chihuahua Breeders in the U.S.

Top 5 Apple Head Chihuahua Breeders in the U.S.

Wondering where apple head chihuahua breeders found the inspiration for its sassy name? Not that hard to guess, you’re right! It’s because their...
Shiba Inu German Shepherd Mix: Everything You Need To Know

Shiba Inu German Shepherd Mix: Everything You Need To Know

You’ve probably noticed, but designer dogs are in at the moment. From the time that wolves first interacted with humans thousands of years...
A Guide On The Amazing Tri Color English Setter

A Guide On The Amazing Tri Color English Setter

Oh, the English Setter. This dog is the epitome of grace, beauty, intelligence, and hard work. You can tell that these dogs have...
Malamute Vs Husky: The Battle For An Ice Throne

Malamute Vs Husky: The Battle For An Ice Throne

Even though to an untrained eye it may seem that these two dog breeds are the same, the truth is – they are...
Top 8 Beauceron Breeders In The United States

Top 8 Beauceron Breeders In The United States

The Beauceron breeders we are presenting to you today do not come from France, but they do breed and raise high-quality doggies that...
OEB Pitbull Mix: The Best Guide To Care, Grooming, And Health

OEB Pitbull Mix: The Best Guide To Care, Grooming, And Health

The Americans and the English share a unique bond sometimes referred to as the ‘special relationship‘. It’s a connection that stretches back hundreds...