Mixed Breed Dogs

The Ultimate German Shepherd Pomeranian Mix Guide

The Ultimate German Shepherd Pomeranian Mix Guide

German Shepherds and Pomeranians are polar opposites as dog breeds, so it’s no wonder that you might not have known that they can...
Battle For Attention: Miniature Schnoodle vs Toy Schnoodle

Battle For Attention: Miniature Schnoodle vs Toy Schnoodle

Dog size is important when selecting your first or next canine. The miniature Schnoodle vs the toy Schnoodle duel is a fun one....
Mini Irish Doodle: A Small Hybrid With A Big Heart

Mini Irish Doodle: A Small Hybrid With A Big Heart

Everyone is familiar with the elegance of the Irish Setter and Poodle dog breeds, but did you know they are proud parents of...
Reasons Why A Blue Heeler Poodle Mix Is For You

Reasons Why A Blue Heeler Poodle Mix Is For You

The cattle doodle is an interesting mix of two very dominant pure breeds. There are many reasons for having one around you and...
40 Rat Terrier Mixes You Never Thought Were Real

40 Rat Terrier Mixes You Never Thought Were Real

If it wasn’t for former President Teddy Roosevelt, we wouldn’t have Rat Terriers today. And if it wasn’t for Rat Terriers, we wouldn’t...
Presa Canario Pitbull Mix – The Scariest Guard Dog?

Presa Canario Pitbull Mix – The Scariest Guard Dog?

When you hear there is a Presa Canario Pitbull Mix what goes through your mind? Is it fearless, strong, guardian, or protector? If...
Is The Straight Hair Goldendoodle A Real Dog Breed?

Is The Straight Hair Goldendoodle A Real Dog Breed?

There has been a rise in new dog breeds within the dog kingdom. So much so, that dog breeders started to combine specific...
The Swiss Doodle: One Of The Cutest Doodles Around

The Swiss Doodle: One Of The Cutest Doodles Around

The Swiss Doodle is a second-generation mixed breed, created by crossbreeding a tri-color Aussiedoodle with a tri-color Bernedoodle. If you’ve never heard of...
The Ultimate Guide To Straight Hair Labradoodles

The Ultimate Guide To Straight Hair Labradoodles

Whenever we see the word “doodle” in the name of a dog breed, we immediately think of thick, rich curls making up their...
Red Cantonese Bear Dog: Does It Exist Or Is It A Hoax?

Red Cantonese Bear Dog: Does It Exist Or Is It A Hoax?

If you spend enough time on the internet, especially if you’re reading about dogs a lot — which is probably true, since you’re...