
When Do Puppies Calm Down? A Guide For Managing Puppyhood

When Do Puppies Calm Down? A Guide For Managing Puppyhood

We love them to pieces. With their cute, wet noses, tiny puppy kisses, and happy tails wagging all the time, puppies bring joy...
Why Is My Dog So Attached To Me All Of A Sudden? An Overview

Why Is My Dog So Attached To Me All Of A Sudden? An Overview

Do you have a velcro dog? It’s not uncommon as our furry friends are built to make strong attachments to their humans. It’s...
Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Legs? 10 Reasons

Why Does My Dog Sleep Between My Legs? 10 Reasons

Dogs can be clingy. Sometimes, it feels like we dog owners don’t get a single minute alone – even when using the toilet...
My Dog Is Gagging And Not Throwing Up: 6 Possible Causes

My Dog Is Gagging And Not Throwing Up: 6 Possible Causes

As pet parents, few things cause us as much worry and concern as when our furry friends get sick. And, nothing gets us...
Why Does My Dog Follow Me And Not My Husband? 13 Reasons

Why Does My Dog Follow Me And Not My Husband? 13 Reasons

One of the biggest mysteries dog owners face is: Why does my dog follow me and not my husband? What is it about...
Why Do Dogs Cry At Night? Advice For Worried Pet Parents

Why Do Dogs Cry At Night? Advice For Worried Pet Parents

Have you noticed your furry friend whining at night? It can be a worry for dog owners, as it’s not always obvious what...
Why Does My Dog Act Like A Cat? 8 Reasons

Why Does My Dog Act Like A Cat? 8 Reasons

Now, that’s an odd one! Why does my dog act like a cat? Did I make a mistake and accidentally adopt a feline?...
My Dog Won’t Leave My Side: How To Deal With A Clingy Dog

My Dog Won’t Leave My Side: How To Deal With A Clingy Dog

Chances are that if you’re reading this, you have what’s known as a velcro dog. Wherever you go, your doggy friend is by...
Why Do Dogs Like To Lay In The Sun? Understanding Your Pooch

Why Do Dogs Like To Lay In The Sun? Understanding Your Pooch

It’s true to say that most of us enjoy the warmth of the sun on our skin. When it’s a clear day with...
Dog Growling At Nothing: 3 Common Causes

Dog Growling At Nothing: 3 Common Causes

Dogs growl for all kinds of reasons. They can’t talk, so they communicate by barking, growling, and using body language. We don’t always...