
These Are 6 Telltale Signs Your Dog Really Trusts You

These Are 6 Telltale Signs Your Dog Really Trusts You

Most people who have owned a dog know that dogs are very easy-going and have faith in us completely. Then, you have dogs...
2 Logical Reasons Why Dogs Tilt Their Head

2 Logical Reasons Why Dogs Tilt Their Head

During my childhood, when I still had a dog, one of the things that always confused me about his behavior was the very...
These Are 6 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Your Dog Cries In His Sleep

These Are 6 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Your Dog Cries In His Sleep

The behavior of our canine companions may be a bit befuddling at times which may lead us to worry. One such act is...
How Do Dogs Really Feel When Humans Give Them Kisses

How Do Dogs Really Feel When Humans Give Them Kisses

From an owner’s point of view, kissing a dog is very fulfilling and says that you love your dog. If you are wondering...
11 Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Lays His Head On You

11 Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Lays His Head On You

German Shepherds are known to be some of the toughest dogs out there. They’re a mainstay in the army, law enforcement and security,...
What Dog Zoomies Are And Are They A Bad Behavioral Trait

What Dog Zoomies Are And Are They A Bad Behavioral Trait

Hyperactivity isn’t something that can only occur in humans, it can very well manifest itself in dogs too and it’s what we call...
8 Rationales For Why German Shepherds Nudge You With Their Nose

8 Rationales For Why German Shepherds Nudge You With Their Nose

Why does my German Shepherd nudge me with his nose? What’s the reason behind this behavior? We, at PupVine, have done a fair...
The Surprising Reason Why Your German Shepherd Licks Another Dog’s Pee

The Surprising Reason Why Your German Shepherd Licks Another Dog’s Pee

Dogs have a very different way of communicating information compared to ours as most of said communication happens through their scent of smell...
These Are 7 Explanations For Why Does My Chihuahua Lick Me

These Are 7 Explanations For Why Does My Chihuahua Lick Me

Your Chihuahua may be licking you for such weird reasons that you wouldn’t ever guess that they are doing so with certain reasons...
6 Potential Reasons Why My German Shepherd Licks My Hands Nonstop

6 Potential Reasons Why My German Shepherd Licks My Hands Nonstop

If you’re a proud German Shepherd owner, then you definitely know what it’s like to be slobbered on every once in a while...