
Roscoe Got His Freedom Back After A Woman Unchained Him From A Tree

Roscoe Got His Freedom Back After A Woman Unchained Him From A Tree

Sometimes it’s important to have good neighbors aside from having good family ties. Sometimes your neighbor will come by and help before anyone...
6 Reasons Why Your Dog Rolls On His Back And Sometimes Wiggles

6 Reasons Why Your Dog Rolls On His Back And Sometimes Wiggles

Canine body language is extensive and quite intricate where seemingly similar gestures relay different types of intent with just a few bits of...
Super-Easy Ways To Leash Train Your German Shepherd Dog

Super-Easy Ways To Leash Train Your German Shepherd Dog

Are you interested in teaching your German Shepherd how to walk properly on a leash? Well, I’m not gonna say that that’s actually...
These 10 Signs Show That Your German Shepherd Is All About You

These 10 Signs Show That Your German Shepherd Is All About You

It is no secret that German Shepherds make one of the best dog breeds in the world. They’re widely known for their loyalty,...
5 Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Licks You When You Cry

5 Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Licks You When You Cry

German Shepherds are often seen as the symbol of a tough dog, but that doesn’t mean that’s their only positive trait. Many of...
10 Minutes Of Petting Your Dog Reduces Stress Levels According To A Study

10 Minutes Of Petting Your Dog Reduces Stress Levels According To A Study

Stress is one of the most detrimental things for our everyday life. No matter the source, it can have a major impact on...
5 Crazy Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Sleeps With His Eyes Open

5 Crazy Reasons Why Your German Shepherd Sleeps With His Eyes Open

It’s natural for any animal to sleep at some point during the day, but, at times, you may find your German Shepherd sleeping...
How Long Should You Leave Your Goldendoodle Alone?

How Long Should You Leave Your Goldendoodle Alone?

A Goldendoodle is a wonderful, social dog that will fill your life with joy. These Doodles are affectionate, loving, and active, but how...
Why Is My Chihuahua So Mean To Me?

Why Is My Chihuahua So Mean To Me?

You might be more scared of a Chihuahua than of a Cane Corso. And, I don’t blame you for that. These little dogs...
Goldendoodles LOVE These 9 Things

Goldendoodles LOVE These 9 Things

There are a plethora of things Goldendoodles love. This designer breed is known for its broad spectrum of qualities, which is why Goldendoodles...