Male Vs Female Basset Hound: May The Best Basset Win

Congrats! You’ve finally decided to get a Basset!

But, which one do you get?

No, I’m not talking about a red and white or a lemon and white Basset. I’m asking you whether you’re getting a male vs a female Basset Hound?

Surely, both of them are equally valuable. But, not every dog owner will be okay with the male’s playfulness or the female’s reserved attitude.

That’s why we’re here today to learn which Basset Hound is better: male vs female Basset Hound!

That is, which makes the ideal fit for your needs. I find them all pawmazing dogs, no matter their gender!

A Word On The Breed

Dog breed Basset Hound sitting on the leaves

They come from France and Belgium where friars dabbled in breeding dogs to get a compact-sized scent hound. Yes, they’re Basset Hounds! You may also recognize them as Hush Puppies or the St. Hubert Hound.

Either way you call them, Basset Hounds are lovely, easygoing family dogs that came a long way to this position.

The first Basset Hounds were Bloodhound’s descendants. Breeding throughout the years gave them their distinctive appearance, but their sharp sense of smell stayed. That’s why the French aristocracy loved using them as hunting dogs.

A Basset Hound puppy first came to the States at the end of the 19th century. It was 1885 when the AKC recognized them as a separate breed. There is a significant difference between Bassets and Beagles, so try not to mix up these two doggies.

Basset Hounds were always popular pups. Some even say that President George Washington was a huge Basset fan and an owner. Their popularity still hasn’t faded.

Bassets are now amazing pets, terrific even in dog shows and conformation. If you want one, I suggest you find yourself a reputable breeder because those long ears, droopy eyes, and long face are too adorable to skip!

Basset Hound Appearance: Male Vs Female Basset Hound

Basset Hound standing outdoors

Big, droopy-looking ears and sad puppy eyes are signature features of the Basset Hound. But, there’s so much more to these dogs than their facial characteristics.

Basset Hounds are fairly big, and are classified as medium to large dogs. In fact, Basset Hounds are bulky, sometimes muscular, but often chubby or even obese. You will recognize them for their short legs and loose skin.

That’s right, Dachshunds and Bulldogs aren’t the only dogs with short, stubby legs!

But, Bassets are far heavier than Doxies. They may seem to be compact-sized, but trust me, they’re heavy pups! This is something you should take into consideration when getting a Basset.

For example, if you live somewhere with a lot of stairs, you must be prepared to lift and carry your dog as they don’t particularly agree with stairs.

The Basset Hound growth chart says that the male versions should weigh from 40 to 65 pounds. Their female counterparts are usually a bit smaller, only five to 10 pounds lighter. As for their height, males stand tall at 14” at the withers, while girls are only an inch shorter.

When you look at the big picture, there aren’t many contrasting traits between a male vs a female Basset Hound. They all have pretty much the same build and they all fashion the same coat type with matching colors.

A Basset’s coat is short and dense, and it doesn’t shed like crazy. They’re really valued for their water-repellent coat, which comes in many lovely shades. The American Kennel Club (AKC) approves all coat colors but gray, as it’s a result of recessive genes.

The most common Basset Hound colors include black and white, black, lemon, lemon and white, tan and white, red and white, white and brown, blue, as well as markings like a black mask or ticking.

As you can see, these dogs come in bi-color and tri-color coat options, as well as in solids.

All in all, you can hardly tell any distinctness between a male and a female Basset. It’s only noticeable when these two stand next to each other.

Do Male Basset Hounds Have A Better Temperament Than Females?

Basset Hound standing on the leaves in park

What’s so great about Basset Hounds is that they have a really friendly personality. But, I can’t say that one sex is better than the other temperament-wise. Who’s better depends only on your preferences. Some people like reserved pets, while others enjoy clinginess.

Male Basset Hounds are truly clingy dogs. This comes from their desire to be in the center of attention all the time. Male Bassets enjoy being alone with their owner cuddling, playing, or simply hanging out together.

Being males means that these dogs should potentially have some behavior issues due to high testosterone production. However, the production of this hormone doesn’t affect a dog’s dominant status.

Instead of being alphas like many other male dogs, male Bassets are omegas, always one step behind their females or their owners.

Male Basset Hounds are assertive. They’re not too mellow, but they’re not too aggressive either. Speaking of aggression, males will show signs of aggression if provoked or endangered.

Such dogs might even try to bite! As an unwritten rule, purely because of their hormonal sufficiency, males tend to bite more.

Still, this doesn’t apply to all males. Females will bite you, too, if they’re feeling provoked.

Speaking of their female counterparts…

While males are clingy, females are quite independent. They prefer that you leave them be without bothering them too much. In fact, females seem to enjoy their alone time more than socializing.

But, this doesn’t mean that female Bassets will show aggression if you bother playing with them. It’s just that girls will show dominance more than males, especially if they’re pregnant or currently in the heat cycle. We blame this behavior on their protectiveness.

Females can also be sweet and caring, especially when playing with kids. Let’s see what these dogs are like around little kids and other pets.

Living With Kids And Other Pets: Is A Male Or A Female Dog More Suitable?

Little girl playing with a dog in the park

There are dog breeds that aren’t so good as family pets since they tend to cling only to one person. A great example of such a dog is the Shiba Inu; a dog quite reserved towards everyone else but its owner.

Basset Hounds are not like that! This dog breed makes a terrific family pet for the entire family, not only one person. Their laid-back and friendly approach helps them to establish friendships no matter where they are.

Generally speaking, Bassets are super kid-friendly. You won’t have problems with them being aggressive or reserved towards the little ones.

However, I don’t recommend you leave your kids alone with dogs, especially if they’re still small. Your dog or your kid may unintentionally hurt each other and cause even more problems.

Basset Hounds are small lap pooches. They’re medium dogs and need to be controlled if they play too roughly. And, trust me… males will play a lot with your kids because they think of them as their playmates.

On the other hand, females are gentle and seem to play better with kids. They won’t nip or tackle down like males will.

Also, having kids while owning a female Basset at the same time seems like a terrific idea, and here’s why. If your kids suffer from dog-related allergies, they will deal with them easier around girl Bassets.

Girl Basset Hounds don’t express that much allergens in their saliva and dander. Who’d have known that female dogs of this breed would have such a neat trait?

Now, as for living with other pets…

There comes a time in every dog owner’s life when he dwells on getting a second dog as a companion for his first pooch. In most situations, the dogs will find a way to get along, but sometimes it’s much more complicated.

When it comes to male Bassets and living with other pets, they seem to get along perfectly fine with female counterparts. They love socializing with them more than with other males of any breed.

I wouldn’t say they hate male dogs or show extreme aggression. It’s just that they prefer the company of the ladies.

In general, Basset Hounds are friendly creatures. They don’t know any difference between someone’s size, breed, or even pet type. What’s so amazing about this dog breed is that they can be best friends with cats!

Our feline friends and Bassets can get along just fine since Bassets are extremely gentle and careful around their friends.

While female Bassets aren’t that dominant, they still express seasonal dominance during the heat season, which makes them less friendly to hang out with. This is the period when the motherly instinct kicks in with females.

Still, the girls are only acting dominant because they care. So, don’t be surprised if your female Basset Hound adopts another baby in need besides her standard six to eight puppies in one litter.

She will take care of it, and it doesn’t even have to be a dog puppy. Females can even nurse other babies, i.e., kittens. Now, that’s valid proof that females are better with kids. They’re gentler, more protective, and mature.

Compared to the male’s competitive nature and energetic behavior, females make slightly better pets because they’re calm and they control themselves better.

Training a Male Basset Hound Vs A Female Basset Hound

Basset Hound with owner outdoors

When it comes to training dogs that are usually friendly and ecstatic, we can encounter some problems, usually in a matter of a dog’s focus.

We’ve already been told that male Bassets are playful pups. They will go after anything that’s interesting and follow any scent they pick up. That’s why it’s much more complicated to train boy Bassets.

These dogs require lots of time, dedication, and nerves of steel to train them properly. They might not be fast learners, but they’ll get there eventually. You will have some small issues with housetraining and potty training males, but be patient.

Between male vs female Basset Hound dogs, girls learn faster and better. They’re more focused and oriented towards people. Since girls mature faster than males. They also seem to be more serious, which is something that’s needed during dog training.

Positive reinforcement using treats, praises, and cuddles works wonders on Bassets, too, because they’re very food-motivated and desire attention. Their trainability is not in question. It’s their focus that wanders off sometimes.

Which Gender Is Healthier?

brown and white Basset Hound dog

Both male and female Basset Hounds suffer from the same medical conditions. The only difference is in certain gender-related diseases that can be prevented with spay/neuter operations.

Neutered male dogs have less of a chance of developing severe problems, such as testicular cancer. In fact, it was proven that neutered dogs don’t have issues in that area like unneutered ones.

Neutering is a process by which a dog loses his testicles. This prevents unwanted breeding. Dogs become much calmer, and they even stop exhibiting aggressive or territorial behavior.

The reason behind this is that the neutered male doesn’t have the same level of testosterone as before. Usually, neutering is done when the puppy is around four to nine months old.

Females are submitted to a similar process called spaying, by which they lose the ability to become pregnant and have puppies. This process prevents unwanted pregnancies, and it steers females away from mammary gland tumors.

These gender-related diseases can strike any dog. But, with spaying and neutering, the chances drop down to 0%!

Besides common testicular or mammary gland cancers, Basset Hounds are prone to some other health issues.

The most common health complications with this dog breed are elbow dysplasia and hip dysplasia. It feels like this mobility problem occurs with every dog breed.

Hip and elbow dysplasia are conditions that affect a dog’s mobility up to the point where the dog can’t move anymore, or else develops arthritis. A dog’s joints suffer from abnormal tissue growth. In other words, the bones don’t fit snugly into the sockets.

These are hereditary health problems that can be prevented if dog breeders stop breeding parents with the mentioned conditions. This is why you should always ask for detailed puppy screenings to see if your chosen one is suffering from any dysplasia.

However, mobility issues don’t end here. Bassets can develop a condition called Osteochondritis dissecans. This happens because of fast growth and overfeeding. The dog’s joint cartilage becomes thick and movements are limited.

Panosteitis is another self-limiting disease caused by obesity or tough exercises. But, it can be transferred from parents to the puppy. Panosteitis can be spotted if a dog suffers from lameness while moving.

Moving on, we also have patellar luxation; a crippling problem that occurs with many dogs, including Basset Hounds. Patellar luxation occurs when the kneecap slides out of its place. Such dogs have problems with mobility, but this can be treated with surgery.

Another area where Bassets have many health problems is their eyes. Bassets are commonly affected by ectropion, entropion, and glaucoma.

Ectropion is a condition in which a dog’s eyelid rolls outward. It causes redness in the eyes, making them more open and more prone to infections.

Entropion has the same symptoms, but the eyelid rolls inward. Both are very painful and require immediate veterinary help.

Glaucoma is a condition that can be transferred from the parents onto the litter. It’s caused by slow retina degeneration.

Dogs suffering from glaucoma can become blind if you don’t treat them. I recommend that you always check your puppy for this problem. Early intervention can save you both so much trouble.

Dogs with a short coat often have issues with their skin. Unlike our other fluffy pals, short-haired dogs are more exposed to outside factors such as sun, wind, parasite damage, etc.

It’s not rare for Bassets to suffer from seborrhea or seborrheic dermatitis; a skin condition caused by a poor diet, as well as genetic factors. Seborrhea occurs when there’s too much sebum on the dog’s head. A change of diet and meds are in order.

One of the signature diseases for Bassets is Wobblers Syndrome. You’ve probably heard of this chronic condition before. This degenerative illness affects the neck and the spine area, resulting in a wobbly walk. It’s a genetic ailment, but it can be treated with meds.

Have you heard of the condition called Basset Hound Thrombopathia? This inherited disease affects the dog’s blood platelets, making them fail to clot. It’s very similar to Von Willebrand’s disease.

Dogs with this syndrome lose blood fast if injured, and they will need a transfusion. Sadly, there is no treatment for this abnormality.

What I want to emphasize at the end of this section is that Basset Hounds are very susceptible to obesity. Obesity with medium to large dogs leads to numerous problems with mobility, and there’s always a danger of developing bloat.

Bassets shouldn’t eat as much as they can. Limit their treats and exercise them regularly. Too much food can kill these poor, precious babies!

When you look at the big picture, Basset Hounds aren’t that terrible in terms of health. If treated well, Bassets can live up to 12 years. This lifespan is still okay considering there are breeds that live only up to eight years or so.

Are Basset Hounds Great Guards, Or Pet-Quality Only?

If I were you, I wouldn’t think of getting a Basset Hound as the family guardian. Bassets aren’t good watch dogs either. They’re more likely to friendly greet an intruder than to defend the property.

Thanks to their super sweet personality, Bassets, no matter if they’re males or females, make good pets only.

Of course, I have to add that pregnant females, new moms, or girls in heat act more dominant and protective, so they might act as better guardians. But, that’s not the reason to get a Basset guard dog. Instead, go with a Rottweiler or a Doberman.


So, how do you like our dog of the day, the Basset Hound?

Which do you fancy more, male vs female Basset Hound?

Either way you choose, you’ll find Basset Hounds to be truly remarkable dogs.

Through my many years of practice, I’ve come across many Bassets. They were all valuable family dogs, from puppies of only one year old to senior dogs enjoying their golden years.

Unlike many other dog breeds, Basset Hounds don’t require extra care. They’re fairly easy to groom, and don’t seem to trigger allergies that much like Golden Retrievers.

Still, no one said you don’t have to take care of your Basset Hound at all. These dogs must be treated with utmost care if you want them to live a long and a happy life.

So, make sure you give them high-quality dog food, brush their coat a couple of times a week, check their ears for ear infections, wash their drooling, and take them to the vet every now and then.

If you play by the book, you and your Basset Hound will be happy together.

Boy or girl? It’s not an issue at all as long as they’re both healthy.

Male Vs. Female Basset Hound: How Different Are They?
