Dog.exe Has Stopped Working: Have You Checked Out “What’s Wrong With Your Dog”?


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Oh, Reddit and its many Subreddits! We’d probably go nuts out of boredom if it wasn’t for this website. Alright, alright… We’ve all gone nuts because of this whole lockdown, pandemic, and what-else-not situation!

No wonder why our dogs are acting derpy, too! Yes, some are naturally derpy, but some just broke on their way through 2020. What else can we do in 2021 than laugh at these hilarious doggos?

Have you seen the Subreddit named What’s Wrong With Your Dog? It’s a section with over 1.1 million fans and growing! Ever since 2015, when this Subreddit was made, its popularity never went down the hill.

Whether you’re scrolling down the photos with your first cup of coffee, or checking out what’s new every now and then, one thing is certain: these quirky dogs and the hilarious situations they find themselves in simply make any day better.

See it for yourself. Here are almost fifty hilarious photos of man’s best friend gone cuckoo!

1. The creature from the depth does the wiggle-wiggle dance!

funny dog

2. The passive-aggressive biter stares at you as he bites the furniture. Oh, the things they’ll do to get some attention!

dog wants attention

3. Everything you can do, I can do better! Are they Huskies or copycats? Yeah, that seems like a perfectly normal place to sit down. Do they even know which way is up?

quiet dog

4. When you and your buddy are about to burst out laughing, but you have to keep it quiet in the class.

funny dog expression

5. Family ties are a bit complicated sometimes… Now you know how Cinderella felt!

dog in car

6. Nothing wrong with this photo. It’s just a brand new security camera monitoring the neighborhood. All clear.

funny dog on roof

7. He tried doing yoga for the first time today. Guess what? It’s the last time, too!

funny dog on the street

8. Next on Botched up Bodies: A nose job gone wrong. Fido thinks about suing the doctors. That’s one lawsuit he’ll definitely win!

dog with funny facial expression

9. When you hear someone lying about something to you, but you were there and saw the whole thing.

cute dog in a car

10. Do you think this rooftop ornament is too much?

dog standing on a rooftop

11. Something brushed his leg while he was in the water getting the ball. He zoomed out in two seconds.

brown dog

12. One of the chair legs broke down, and he thinks he’ll make a good substitute.

funny dog with face down

13. When you come home after a terrible day at work and you just… Go face down!

funny dog on the floor

14. The family dinner was a success. You can tell it by the dog passing out on the couch. Yup, momma knows her way around the kitchen.

sleepy dog

15. No comment here. The picture says a million words!

cute puppy

16. Next on My Strange Obsession: Hank has a pretty impressive rock collection…

dog with strange rock obsession

17. When you get a dog at Ikea, you gotta assemble it somehow.

dog at ikea

18. The dog did something. The cat knows. The cat’s always the snitch.

sad dog

19. The face you make when someone says they like you, but you don’t like them back. Awkward!

angry pupp

20. Mom planted a brand new flower in the garden. Instead of bees and butterflies, it attracts treats and postmen. And, the smell’s nasty, too!

cute dog in the garden

21. Staring at the Starbucks menu for an eternity while there’s a mile-long line behind you.

dog staring

22. He says his legs didn’t come with instructions. Well, duh!

funny dog with weird legs

23. Love knows no boundaries… or privacy. Imagine waking up to this in the morning. Just don’t imagine the morning breath, okay?

love between dog and his owner

24. Let’s go green! Presenting to you: the Zero-Waste Dog. Will the AKC recognize this cute fellow?

dog eating raw potato

25. Draw me like one of your French girls. His legs go on for miles!

dog sleeping

26. Yes, I’m perfectly comfortable, Karen. Why do you ask?

funny dog position

27. When someone won’t stop talking, you turn to your friend like…

dog at home sleeping

28. In some countries, this would be a specialty dish. Let’s not visit those countries.

dog on the dish

29. . You know it was a wild party last night when you find your dog sleeping in the tub.

dog waiting for bath

30. One of those dogs keeps telling you how to drive. Ugh, don’t you hate driving with them?

dog in a car

31. The face your dog makes when you tell him you saw a giant squirrel on your way back home. Jaws are dropped.

dog with long tongue

32. All Jackie wanted was a bunk bed. All Jackie got is this plain old crate. Nobody tells Jackie where to sleep!

cute dog at home

33. First, they steal your heart, then your bed, then your spot on the sofa… To quote Dr. Sheldon Cooper: “That’s my spot. You’re in my spot.”

dog sleeping on sofa

34. He overheard the owners talking about having a regular checkup at the vet.

funny dog and his owner

35. Sid, from the Ice Age: Where is he now? Meet the gang of little Sids, too!

cute puppies at home

36. When Elsa said she’s one with the wind and sky, Doug, the Dog, really felt that. He’s one with the kitchen and the wall.

dog sleeping in the corner of room

37. Nothing better when your master gently rocks you to sleep. Rock-a-bye baby on the treetop. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock…

cute dog enjoying massage

38. Oh, no, she didn’t do that! Don’t go in there! It’s a trap! Yup, there’s always that one friend who can’t stop yapping during movie night.

dog funny sitting on sofa

39. You don’t get a bigger bed to make yourself comfortable. You get a bigger bed to fit more dogs in. Now, you got room to adopt more pooches!

two dogs sleeping with their owner

40. The Dog Centipede part one – a movie you really don’t want to watch.

dogs sleeping

41. You know which song is blasting out of this car? I like big mutts and I cannot lie…

cute dog in car

42. Tell me again how cute I am. Pwease hooman???

cute puppy at home

43. When you’re sleeping and you hear the hooman opening a bag of Cheetos. You gotta act fast!

little puppy excited

44. This photo shows any random dad who fell asleep while watching the TV. Don’t turn that off. I’m watching!

cute sleepy dog tired

45. The TV commercial said this chin holder should help with Frank’s posture. Frankly, we see no progress whatsoever.

sleepy puppy

46. They say the harder the pillow is, the better for your neck. This doggo clearly can’t agree more!

cute puppy sleeping under chair

47. It’s one of those machines where you put in a treat and the tongue comes out. Oh, yeah? What do they call it? Simply: The Doggo 2021!

cute dog with his tongue out

48. He still doesn’t understand how “hide and seek” works.

cute dog hiding behind pillow

49. It must be as hot as hell out there. This doggo is melting!

cute puppy sleeping
