This Brave Girl Fought Till The End To Finally Beat Cancer And Find A New Home


Illness can affect anyone. In that case, you become weak and dependent on everyone. Many people no longer need you and some even abandon you.

However, not everyone is the same, and there are those who will do everything to help you, and together with you, win your biggest life battle.

It’s always nice and inspiring to hear stories like this, especially if they have a happy ending. And, this definitely has the most beautiful one. 

They Wanted To End Her Suffering

dog with cancer
Source: YouTube

The story of a dog named Sid is one of those that will break your heart and put a smile on your face at the same time.

Overnight, this poor girl was diagnosed with T.V.T. (Transmissible Venereal Tumor). Because of that, her family wanted to euthanize her.

It’s not that they just wanted to get rid of her, but they simply couldn’t watch her suffer anymore, and they thought it was the best solution. So, they turned to the folks at Sidewalk Specials.

However, Sidewalk did not agree with their thinking, and decided, together with this brave girl, to fight to the end. They said that they would try everything to find her chemotherapy sponsors and even a home where she would be forever happy. 

Although it seemed too ambitious at first, these people believed in miracles and encouraged Sid on her way to a new life.

Against All Odds

woman holds poor dog
Source: YouTube

Since the tumor affected her bottom area, Sid had to wear diapers the whole time. That was her burden that she had to carry as long as the chemotherapy lasted.

Meanwhile, good people were fighting the battle in the background by donating the funds Sidewalk would use to finance her chemotherapy treatments.

With the help of so many good souls, they managed to raise enough money for 12 chemotherapy treatments.

After two months of heroic struggle by this brave girl, with the help of donations from good people and the VetPoint clinic, the miracle happened and Sid finally got out of diapers. Her new life could begin.

All that was missing was a new, warm home and a loving family that would keep her alive. However, when she would win this most difficult battle, everyone was sure that this would be a whooping cough for Sid.

cured dog in a walk
Source: Sidewalk Specials

That’s how it was, considering that Sid caught her new daddy’s eye on her first adoption day at Oranjezicht City Farm and Market Day. 

From an unwanted, sick dog, overnight, Sid became daddy’s princess and the most desirable member of the new family.

smiling man and a dog
Source: YouTube

However, let’s not forget that an army of good souls led the battle for one life, and ultimately, together with it, won the greatest victory – the victory of life and love.
