Dalmatian Husky Mix: Meet The Dalusky

What’s that odd-looking little guy, with spotted fur and a wolf-like appearance?

That’s the Dalusky or the Dalmatian Husky mix! And yes, that’s one absolutely special hybrid dog.

As with all crossbreed pups, getting a Dalusky is a lottery. You never know what your pup will look like, or how they’ll behave. Will they look like a Husky, or will they be a spot-on Dalmatian?

Daluskies may not have a breed standard, but they do have parents that can help us paint a good picture of how a Dalusky should look and behave.

Since there aren’t many Dalusky dogs in the States, all we can do is guess the general appearance and behavior based on designer dogs of this breed we see on the streets.

But, enough fluff; let’s learn more about this unusual crossbreed pup!

What Is A Dalmatian Husky Mix Called?

dalmatian husky mix

Photo from: @borje.sallyla

Of all the Siberian Husky mixes, this one with a pup from Dalmatia is definitely the oddest one. For starters, Dalmatian dogs aren’t as popular as Huskies. Sure, they’re lovely, but we don’t see many of them in the States.

On the other hand, Huskies have been extremely popular for the past several decades, which has led to many Husky mixes with other purebred dogs. Of course, Dalmatian mixes are becoming popular too. That’s why we’re discussing this Husky Dalmatian mix today.

The Dalmatian Husky mix is often called the Dalusky. Most crossbreed dogs have fun names like the Dalusky. For example, the Corgi Husky mix is called the Horgi. See what we did there? Fun, right?!

Like all mixed-breed dogs, the Dalusky does not have a breed standard, which means that you can’t expect the same appearance from every Dalusky or the same behavior pattern. Each Dalusky is an individual. While one pup may resemble the Husky parent, the other may be just like the Dalmation.

Even pups in the same litter won’t necessarily look like each other.

If you stay tuned, we’ll discuss what Daluskies usually look like and how they behave.

A Word On The Parent Breeds

Dalmatian and siberian husky out for a walk

Both parent breeds of this mix come from different backgrounds. In fact, they really don’t have many things in common, but they still managed to produce one amazing love puppy.

Huskies and Dalmatians come from different parts of the world. The Siberian Husky is from Siberia (Russia), while the Dalmatian is from Croatia.

How about we discuss each parent’s origin in depth?

Siberian Husky

With their thick, double coats, and immense strength, Siberian Huskies are the signature dogs of Siberia, a land covered in ice and snow. Back in the days when the Chukchi people first bred Huskies, they were used as sled dogs. And let me tell you something: they were highly appreciated.

The Husky’s high energy levels helped them pull through even the toughest winters. When protection, sources of food, and warmth were very much needed, these kind dogs provided it all.

They were the valued family members and pack dogs one can only wish for.

And they still are today.

Even though Huskies have moved away from sled pulling and hunting arctic animals for food, they’re still highly active dogs. Their prey drive may kick in from time to time, but that’s nothing lots of obedience training can’t solve.

Huskies are definitely hard-working dogs, with the wonderful personality traits of a great family dog.

The first Huskies in the States arrived back in 1909 in Alaska. They took part in the All Alaska Sweepstakes Race. People loved their hard-working nature and thus, the breed stayed. Every following year brought more popularity to the breed.

Ever since the 1930s, Siberian Huskies have been an official dog breed recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Today, Huskies are the fifth most popular dog breed! How pawesome is that?

The Dalmatian

We have Huskies from Siberia, and we have Dal from Croatia. These two are lands of complete climate contrast. Huskies come from a place where it’s always cold, hence the thick and cozy coat.

On the other hand, Dalmatians come from a Mediterranean country. Croatia has a lovely climate, especially the region where Dalmatians come from – Dalmatia! That’s why Dalms have a short coat that’s not so thick. Their region of origin is right on the coast of the Adriatic Sea.

So, Dalms in Siberia wouldn’t work so well, as you can imagine.

Dalmatians have been here for quite a while. Although they’re not as popular as Huskies, they were actually accepted by the official club much earlier. Specifically, Dalms were AKC-approved as a breed back in 1888.

This can only mean one thing: Dalmatians are a pretty old dog breed.

In fact, they are! Dalms have been here for centuries, and back in the olden days, they took many roles. From coach dogs for wealthy medieval hunters to entertainment pups. Of course, these dogs are known as the signature dogs of fire departments in more recent history.

Their black spots have made Dalms highly recognizable. These aren’t rare dogs, but they aren’t easy to find either.

One thing is for sure: Dalms are dogs with an interesting history. So, don’t hesitate to give them or their hybrid dogs a chance.

As far as their popularity ranking, Dalmatians are ranked number 62. However, this ranking doesn’t mean they’re less valuable. Their time is yet to come!

Dalmatian Siberian Husky Mix Size

I’m always pro cross-breeding different dog breeds, but I’m not a huge fan of mixing parents with contrasting sizes. For example, I find it hard to believe that a Shih Tzu and a Pitbull mixed puppy is a good idea.

You see, the significantly smaller size of one parent can mean only one thing: manipulation of genes so the breeder can achieve a compact size at the expense of the pup’s health.

Mixing Labradors, Border Collies, Boxers, Rottweilers, Australian Shepherds, etc., together is okay, but mixing a Dachshund and a Doberman, for example, rings some bells.

Luckily, Dalmatians and Siberian Huskies are both large dogs.

An average Husky weighs no more than 60 pounds. They stand tall at around 23 inches at the withers.

Similarly, Dalmatians usually weigh no more than 70 pounds and their weight chart starts at 30 pounds and moves on. As for their height, Dalms are the same height as Huskies.

With such similarly sized parent breeds you can only expect the same from their puppies. Daluskies will belong to the same range of weight and height. Of course, each puppy is different but the best way to tell how big a Dalusky will be is by looking at its parents.

Dalusky’s Appearance: What Does This Hybrid Look Like?

dalusky mixed breed dog

Photo from: @tackastazirafa

Since there is no breed standard for the Dalusky, how can we tell what the puppies will look like? It’s simple: we’ll observe the existing specimen of this crossbreed. Daluskies can come in many combinations. Some of them look more like Huskies, while some resemble Dalms more.

The appearance is completely individual, so we’ll go into detail about each variation.

Dalusky Resembling A Husky

If your Dalusky takes more after the Husky parent, this is a rough estimation of what they might look like. These Daluskies will have a short and dense coat like Siberian Huskies have, and their colors will vary depending on which colors are present in their lineage.

It’s completely normal for your Dalusky to feature any of the Husky colors or Dalm’s colors (yes, they come in other colors besides white).

What about the spots? Will this Dalusky inherit any spots on their coat from the other parent?

Yes, it’s highly likely that these Daluskies will inherit spots too, but they’re not as big as with Dalms.

The spots can be tiny and located on only one part of the dog’s body. As with Dalmatians, there are no two Daluskies that look the same.

The ears of a Dalusky resemble a Husky and should be triangular and erect. The eyes feature Husky’s colors and are almond-shaped. What’s curious is that both parents can feature piercing blue eyes. They’re more common with Huskies, but with Dalms they’re a sign of health problems.

Dalusky Resembling A Dalmatian

The first thing you’ll spot on a Dalusky that resembles a Dalmatian are its round, sparkly, black eyes. It’s more common for a Dalusky that looks like a Dal to feature black eyes, as they’re the signature color for the Dal breed.

These Daluskies have floppy ears shaped like a triangle. You must be extra careful with them as floppy ears can easily develop bacteria and fungus.

The coat of this hybrid that looks more like a Dalmatian is short and sleek. Of course, spots are noticeable at around two weeks of age.

This Dalusky will have a straight tail.

What Is The Temperament Of A Dalmatian Husky Mix?

dalusky puppy

Photo from: @lucathedalusky

The Dalmatian Husky mix or Dalusky has a rather easy-going temperament. Before you get one, you should realize that these aren’t dogs for less active people. Daluskies are extremely active and love spending their days outside, playing with their owners.

If you can’t commit to regular exercises, you shouldn’t even consider getting a Dalusky. They sure have a lot of energy to waste.

Daluskies get bored easily since both parents share this trait. You should either take them with you when you have to leave the house or leave them some fun dog toys to play with.

Other than being prone to boredom and thus destructive behavior, Daluskies are a delight to own.

They’re loyal, friendly, and want to feel included as part of the pack. Of course, you’ll need to be the alpha of your pack, but that’s a whole other story.

What Kind Of Health Problems Does A Husky Dalmatian Mix Have?

There’s no such thing as a dog that’s completely healthy and not prone to any health conditions. All pups can suffer from certain health issues, whether they’re severe or the simplest ones.

Coming from two different parents, the Dalusky can inherit proneness to different health problems.

From the Husky parent, a Dalusky is more likely to inherit hip dysplasia, progressive retinal atrophy or PRA, cataracts, hypothyroidism, etc.

As far as the other side of the family is concerned, Dalms usually suffer from deafness, blindness, epilepsy, etc. One thing you must be careful about Dalms is feeding them proper dog food, as they can develop kidney stones. More on that down below.

Also, Dalmatians are prone to obesity. It’s a severe condition that you should not ignore. Dogs that suffer from obesity can have problems with mobility, hips, joints, elbows, and overall well-being.

If you play everything by the book, your Dalusky may live from 12 to 15 years, which is simply a pawmazing lifespan compared to Dalm’s 10 to 13 years.

Training 101: How To Train Your Dalusky?

dalusky smelling grass

Photo from: @tackastazirafa

When it comes to training a Dalusky, you should know that these pups come from two extremely smart parents. They will master any training quickly; all it takes is some patience.

But what about the Dalusky? Is the Dalmatian Husky dog mix capable of meeting the same standards as its parents?

Yes, Dalusky dogs are equally as smart as both parents. Huskies are the 74th smartest dog breed, while Dalmatians are 62nd. If there was a ranking for hybrid dogs, Dalusky would be right in the middle of it.

System Of Rewards

So, how should you train your Dalusky?

There’s a nifty little trick I like to give all new dog owners. When training a stubborn dog, like a Dalusky, you should either let the professionals handle it, or brace yourself as a lot of time and patience is needed.

Daluskies respond well to positive reinforcement. It’s a method used during dog training when you stimulate the dog to perform tasks using treats, praises, and other systems of rewards.

For example, my dogs (although I never owned a Dalusky) loved ear scratches and broccoli bits after performing a command.

I always used healthy snacks like fruit and veggie bits to control their weight and promote a healthy lifestyle. Trust me; my little monsters would love to go through a bag of store-bought snacks if I let them!

Anyway, find something that works out for your dog. Your Dalusky might like to receive belly rubs or hear you saying “good boy” after each well-performed task. That’s up to you to discover.

Social Aspect

Socialization goes hand in hand with obedience training. That’s something your pup gets introduced to even before the first lessons of “come, shake, and sit”.

Are you aware that all dogs need to be socialized? Do you know that all pooches, no matter if they’re Huskies, Dalms, Beagles, or Pitbulls can behave ideally if they have been through socialization lessons?

Well, now you do know that.

It’s crucial for you to have your Dalusky trained and socialized. Otherwise, they might turn to unwanted behavior patterns, i.e. destruction or aggression.

Also, the Husky parent may not be a big barker, but are you aware that Huskies are huge howlers? So, keep in mind that your Dalusky may inherit this behavior and need extra training.

Even though Dalms and Huskies aren’t known for aggression, you should still keep an eye on their pup’s behavior. Socialize your dog and help them comfort themselves through hours without you to prevent digging, chewing, and knocking over things around your home.

Since you’re dealing with a smart pooch from even smarter parents, I recommend you work on your pup’s mental stimulation and hand them interesting puzzle toys to keep that brain busy.

How To Take Care Of Your Dalmatian Husky Mix Puppy?

dalmatian husky mix puppy

Photo from: @lucathedalusky

There are several things I want to put under the spotlight when it comes to taking care of your Dal Husky mix dog.

For starters, let’s talk about something dogs can’t live without.

Choice Of Dog Food

Ideally, dogs should be on a raw diet. Some dog breeds like Mastiffs prefer raw food. For example, Cane Corsos love eating raw. But, should this be the case with the Dalusky?

You see, there are certain issues regarding a Dalusky’s food choice. They all come down to this: if your Dalusky takes after the Dalm, you should be extremely careful about what it eats.

You see, Dalmatians should be on a special diet low in purine. What is purine? It’s a crystalline compound that can affect the formation of kidney stones. Purine can be found in red meat, some poultry, and wild animals.

This means your Dalmatian can’t eat raw red meat or consume dog kibble based on red meat. This is just one of the examples.

I’d be careful with what I feed my Dalusky. You never know what percent of Dalmatian genes your Dalusky has. After all, even the smallest amount of purine taken for a long period can cause severe health issues.

Pick premium-quality dog food designed specifically for a sensitive stomach. Make sure there are no fillers inside – I recommend you check out the back of the bag. If the first five ingredients are all-natural, you can absolutely pick that dog food for your Dalusky.

Grooming Needs

Most Dalusky dogs have a short coat. However, since we have long-haired Dalmatians and wooly Huskies, you can expect a slightly longer coat with some Daluskie pups. As you already know, there is no breed standard for this hybrid, and there are no two identical Daluskies in terms of appearance.

I’d recommend you get some high-quality dog brushes for removing dead hair. Make it a slicker brush that easily collects stranded hair and it’s simple to clean. It’s always a good idea to invest in a dog brush since you won’t be changing it so often.

Daluskies don’t need to be bathed too often. You see, Huskies don’t need frequent baths. Dalms either. Don’t bathe your Dalusky more than a few times a year to keep its skin free from irritations and rashes. Also, when you do bathe them, make sure you pick only sensitive dog shampoos.

Organic is always a good way to go!

Depending on which parent the Dalusky takes after, you can either end up with a dog that sheds insanely like a Husky, or one that sheds moderately.

Either way, you should commit to brushing at least three times a week.

Exercise Needs

Dalmatians and Huskies finally agree on one thing: they need their exercise routines.

Both parents are considered active dogs, and need at least two hours a day of exercise. What you’ll do depends only on you and your dog’s preferences. Most pups enjoy playing ball, but you can also bring your Dalusky on your morning run.

I urge you to keep your dog active at all costs to prevent obesity and have their energy level drained by the end of the day.

A Dalusky is the best dog for an active owner. If you’re a couch potato looking for a buddy to binge-watch TV shows with, the Dalusky won’t keep you company.

Other Husky And Dalmatian Mixes You Should Check Out

The Siberian Husky breed is definitely one of the most popular ones in the world. I’m really not surprised these dogs get bred with other pups so often. People love breeding Huskies with other dogs because of their fun temperament and overall unique appearance.

The end result is always a stunning Husky mix.

But, what about Dalmatians? Aren’t they wonderful too?

Of course, they are! Dalmatians are becoming quite popular these days. I mean, sure, they were popular back then when Disney released 101 Dalmatians, but still… They haven’t reached the level of popularity of a Husky yet.

However, in the more recent past, I’ve seen some pretty pawmazing Dalmatian mixes. They’re as incredible as the Dal parent and often feature their unique coat.

So far, PupVine has talked about the following Dalmatian mixes. You should really check out:

Corgi Dalmatian mix and

Golden Retriever Dalmatian mix

As far as the Husky mixes go, we’ve talked about:

Husky Pug mix

German Shepherd Husky mix

Corgi Husky mix

Husky Poodle mix

Cane Corso Husky Mix

Great Dane Husky mix

Shiba Inu Husky mix

French Bulldog Husky mix

Chihuahua Husky mix

Belgian Malinois Husky mix

Siberian Husky And Dalmatian Breeders You Can Trust

siberian husky and dalmatian on a leash

When the time comes to pick your Dalmatian or Siberian Husky puppy, the biggest problem is which breeder to trust. Unfortunately, we’ve witnessed many online scams and unreliable breeders that only care about the money.

Since we live in such a time, you should be extra careful when picking your Husky, Dalmatian, or Dalusky puppy.

Of course, the Dalusky is a hybrid pup of two purebred dogs. Some experts won’t agree with the breeding program focused on breeding Dalusky dogs only. But, you should know that a crossbreed from two top-quality purebred dogs can result in an equally pawfect puppy.

So, don’t jump ahead to conclusions.

Think everything through. Ask the breeder to see which health tests they are conducting. Ask them about parent history and any possible conditions. The more you ask, the better picture you’ll get about what your puppy will be like in the future.

Then, if everything seems alright, you can proceed with the adoption process.

Sadly, we don’t have any popular Dalusky breeders to recommend, but we do have Husky and Dal breeders you can trust. Maybe some of these guys will be interested in breeding a Dalusky.

Here are Husky breeders you can absolutely trust, all researched by PupVine:

Siberian Husky breeders in Ontario

Siberian Husky breeders in the UK

Siberian Husky breeders in Florida

And these are some excellent Dalmatian breeders:

Dalmatian breeders in the UK

Dalmatian breeders in Ontario


Are Dalusky Dogs Hypoallergenic?

Sadly, no, Dalusky dogs are not hypoallergenic.

For starters, let’s clear something up: there is no such thing as a 100% hypoallergenic dog, according to the AKC. For a dog to be hypoallergenic, or less likely to trigger allergies, they should not shed too much or disperse dander around the house.

Dogs with such traits are usually small and silky breeds, i.e. Havanese is hypoallergenic, Shih Tzu is hypoallergenic, etc.

But, the Husky is not hypoallergenic, especially not a wooly Husky!

Huskies are huge shedders. As you already know, they have a thick coat that sheds all year round, with massive blowouts in the spring and fall.

Dalmatians, even though they are short-coated dogs, also shed a lot. You will need to brush them regularly to control their shedding.

Therefore, we can conclude that the Siberian Husky and Dalmatian mix puppy will not be hypoallergenic and will shed a lot.

This may not be the happiest choice for allergic people.

How Much Should A Dalmatian Husky Cost?

When we talk about dog prices, you need to remember that there are different qualities of puppies. Some breeders will breed only pet-quality dogs, while others will focus on show-quality pups.

On average, the Siberian Husky price is somewhere between $1,500 to $2,500. The higher the price is, the better the lineage and upbringing of the litter.

On the other hand, despite some issues with their availability, Dalmatians are relatively cheap dogs.

You can find a purebred Dal for $1,000 to $1,500.

As for their crossbreed puppy, you can expect to pay approximately $1,000. That’s still not a lot of money compared to the prices of purebred puppies. Of course, you can always opt to adopt and search for a Dalmatian Husky mix puppy at local shelters.

The adoption cost is always much lower.

Of course, we’re talking only about initial purchase prices. You should be prepared to have a budget that will cover costs like a dog bed, harness, toys, high-quality dog food, vet bills, dog training, etc.

Are Dalmatian Husky Mix Puppies Good First Pets?

Well, this is not really a “yes or no” question. Whether a Dalusky makes a good first pet depends on each puppy individually.

Let’s stop for a second and think about the parent breeds. Both dogs are stubborn and difficult to handle for inexperienced dog owners. Neither Huskies nor Dalmatians are recommended as first-time pets.

Naturally, you can’t expect a Dalusky to be a good choice for first-time owners. These dogs need a firm hand, someone that will act as their alpha leader and won’t allow the dog to be in charge.

If you already have experience handling stubborn dogs or have other dogs at home, raising a Dalusky won’t be that big of a deal.

Do Dalusky Dogs Get Along With Other Pets?

You must understand that every dog can behave well if you put them through early socialization, and the Dalusky is no exception. When you get a Dalusky puppy, make sure you introduce them to different people, situations, sounds, as well as other animals.

This will help them get used to other temperaments and make them learn they have to work as a part of the pack, not an individual.

Generally speaking, since both parent breeds are not aggressive dogs, you can expect a Dalusky to behave well around other dogs and pets. They’re not aggressive dogs, and love playing with other pups as long as they’re in charge.

After all, these crossbreed dogs usually inherit lots of stubborn traits from their parents, so their desire to be in charge is completely justified.

To Sum Up…

So, how do you like our Dalmatian Husky mix?

You have to admit that the Dalusky is one special pup. There are no two identical Daluskies in the world, not even in their appearance or personality terms.

As you can see now, Daluskies are truly special. Their outside matches the inside because these doggos are absolutely unique. They’ll make excellent pets for someone who leads an active lifestyle and loves spending time outside and playing with the family dog.

Sadly, I wouldn’t recommend Dalusky to people that lead a sedentary lifestyle or have little children.

The high prey drive inherited from both sides of the family may kick in and your kids could unintentionally become the prey.

If you check all the boxes as a potential Dalmatian Husky mix owner, with the proper lifestyle and eagerness to shape them, feel free to adopt one today!

Read Next: Agouti Husky: Siberian Husky With A Twist
