Woman Who Didn’t Like Having A Dog In Her House Changed Her Mind After He Saved Her Life


Annabelle Camp, a woman who took in a little pup, had no idea that her act of kindness would result in saving two lives rather than one.

A story that will remind you that coincidences don’t exist and that everything is part of faith’s plan.

Love At First Sight

a smiling black dog lies in the park and looks away
Source: Annabelle Camp

When Annabelle was walking alongside a road in Georgia, she saw an abandoned, extremely malnourished puppy.

Unable to just leave and forget about him, Annabelle decided to take him home.

Even though she gave the dog, later named Mason, a nice bath and yummy food, she knew she couldn’t keep him since her grandmother simply wouldn’t allow it.

“I made an agreement with my grandmother that he would go to The Humane Society as soon as they had a foster open for him. So a week maximum,” said Annabelle.

a black dog bathes in a bathtub
Source: Annabelle Camp

But, unfortunately, no fosters were available at the time so Mason had to be placed in a boarding facility until he got big and strong enough to look for a forever home.

His time at the boarding facility didn’t turn out so well as he fell ill and had to be hospitalized.

As soon as Annabelle heard the heartbreaking news, she begged her grandmother to allow Mason back in the house.

Luckily, her grandmother agreed and she swiftly made her way to pick him up.

I was hysterical. I had to get my baby back.

Meant To Be

As soon as Mason and Annabelle reunited, the little pup healed in no time. Seeing how quickly his health improved, Annabelle started believing that he was the pup made for her.

portrait of a smiling black dog in the garden in front of the house
Source: Annabelle Camp

I knew he had a purpose on this earth other than to just be my heart dog and a literal pain in the ass. And last night he proved it.

One night, Annabelle woke up to Mason standing above her head and continuously barking in her face.  

Knowing that Mason loved to sleep, she jumped out of her bed, knowing that something wasn’t right.

Mason jumped down and gave me the ‘follow me’ look. He ran down the hallway (where he knows he’s not allowed) and into my grandmother’s room. I followed him into her bathroom and found him standing over her licking her face and just screaming and whining.

Since Annabelle’s grandmother had a heart condition that affected her overall health, she was lying on the floor, unconscious.

a beautiful dog in the park on a leash looks around
Source: Annabelle Camp

Thanks to Mason being inside the house at the time, Annabelle was able to get her grandmother’s heart beating again, avoiding a very tragic outcome.

He knows what it’s like to have his life saved, so he knew he had to do the same for someone else. Even if my grandmother just barely tolerates him.

Did this heroic gesture help Mason gain the love of Annabelle’s grandmother?

Maybe not completely, but he sure gets more pets now.

I told my grandmother the next morning what he did and she yelled, ‘Thank you, Mason!’ She now pets him when she sees him, which is more than she has ever done.

the puppy is lying on the grass next to the twig it is playing with
Source: Annabelle Camp

I am sure that with time, Mason will convince his grandmother that he means no harm and just wants to be loved and appreciated.

Good boy, Mason!
