Dog Cruelly Tied To A Rock And Thrown To Drown In The River Finds Loving Home


Bella, an 11-year-old German Shepherd, was found in the river Trent near Long Lane, Farndon, on a freezing January morning. Her leash was tied to a rock by her former owner in an attempt to drown her. 

This cruel act was reported by two walkers, Jane and Joanne, who happened to pass by, and Bella was successfully saved.

She’s now a happy senior dog enjoying her time in a new home. This is her whole story…

Bella Was Found By Two Walkers, Jane And Joanne

rescued dog at the vet
Source: Daily Mail (Image: RSPCA / SWNS)

It was 8 A.M. when Jane and Joanne accidentally saw Bella flailing in the water in an attempt to get out. As told by the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) manager, Ella Carpenter, Jane immediately got into the water to rescue Bella.

As she couldn’t get her out easily, she found out that Bella’s leash was attached to a huge rock. 

She was basically left in the river to die by her previous owner. This cruel act was immediately reported to the police, and Bella was taken to a veterinarian, as she was in really bad condition.

She Almost Died In The Freezing Water

the policeman is holding a piece of rock in his hands
Source: Daily Mail (Image: RSPCA / SWNS)

According to Ella and her team, this beautiful German Shepherd had a series of health issues once it got to the vet hospital. She almost died in the freezing water that day and needed a long time to fully recover.

While she was in recovery, the police department opened an investigation to determine who was responsible for this cruel act. 

It was established that Charlene Latham was Bella’s former owner and the one behind the whole thing. 

She pleaded guilty in front of the court to causing suffering to her pet. Latham was sentenced to twelve months of community service, fined £80, and disqualified from having dogs for three years.

Radcliffe Animal Centre Took Care Of Bella

the German shepherd follows the woman closely
Source: Daily Mail (Image: RSPCA / SWNS)

After she was transferred to the RSPCA, Bella got all the care needed from the Radcliffe Animal Centre (Nottingham). Due to the severity of her condition, she was in recovery for fifteen straight months after the day she was pulled out of the river.

Although her recovery was slow and gradual, this gorgeous, long-haired German Shepherd never lost her smile and enthusiasm. Bella was always eager to play with the staff, and she’d show love to anyone.

After she fully recovered and got back on her paws, Bella was up for adoption. As the whole story of her rescue has already gone viral, there were countless inquiries about this doggo. But, one couple in particular caught the RSPCA’s attention…

Maggie And Charlie Are Bella’s New Family

a man and a woman are sitting on a bench and looking at a German shepherd
Source: Daily Mail (Image: RSPCA / SWNS)

Maggie Mellish and Charlie Douglas, a retired couple from South Derbyshire, heard the story of Bella on the news and immediately decided to adopt her. They have been GS owners for around thirty years and had a huge love for this breed.

“We saw Bella’s story in the press a few weeks ago, and the fact she needed a home, so my daughter, Clare Lusher, encouraged us to apply for her,” said Maggie.

“We know she is in her older years, but we just want to offer her a loving home she so deserves after all she has been through.”

According to the RSPCA team, Bella couldn’t find a better home. She was in really good hands with two people who had already had GS dogs before. They were really devastated to learn of Bella’s horrific story, and eagerly applied to take care of her.

They adopted her knowing that Bella’s already in her senior years and that she will need regular vet treatments. 

“We are willing to finance those… We were horrified by what happened to Bella, and when we came to see her, we realized what a great personality she has and she really is perfect for us”, said Charlie.

Bella’s A Happy Senior Girl Now

German charmer is playing with a ball in the garden
Source: Daily Mail (Image: RSPCA / SWNS)

Even though not everything went well for this German Shepherd girl before, Bella has finally found her happy place. She’s a healthy, senior dog who enjoys her days in South Derbyshire with her new owners.

Her story is just proof that at the end of the day, good always prevails.
