Stolen German Shepherd Finds Her Way Home After Five Years Apart From Her Family


When Sheba, the female German Shepherd, was stolen, the Malmstrom family, from Baytown, Texas, was desperate. 

They couldn’t believe that someone would do such a cruel thing to a dog, but they did not have time to despair. They did everything in their power to return Sheba home.

It was a long and exhausting journey for this family. Countless fliers all over the region, endless phone calls with local police officers and animal control, and many inquiries among the locals…

At times, it seemed like their search for Sheba was hopeless. But, then one day, the phone rang and everything was about to change…

Sheba Was Stolen In Front Of Her Home

photo of sheba the gsd
Source: Saving Sheba

Sheba was stolen in front of Stephanie Malmstrom’s home. A security camera caught a white truck pulling over on the street. 

A man went out of the truck and called Sheba over. As she was such a friendly dog, she went up to the man, after which he put her in the truck and drove away.

photo of the truck that took away sheba
Source: Saving Sheba

At that time, the Malmstroms were at their neighbor’s. When they came home, Sheba was gone. After checking the cameras and realizing that Sheba was actually stolen, they called the police and reported the crime. 

The Malmstrom Family Was On The Edge Of Giving Up

photo of sheba and her family
Source: ABC 7

The Malmstroms didn’t want to spend their time waiting for the police to call with the good news. They decided to take part in Sheba’s rescue, which is why Stephanie and her family members distributed images of their dog all over the city.

They even offered a reward to the person who finds Sheba or gives them any sort of information, but no one ever came forward. At times, everything seemed like a lost cause.

As months went by, and then years, Stephanie made peace with the fact that Sheba was probably gone for good. They stopped looking for her and even hoping that someday, someone would walk right in their home, saying: “We found her!”

She Was Located 600 Miles Away From Home

map of sheba's location, 600 miles from home
Source: ABC 7

The day the phone rang was the day Stephanie learned to never underestimate the power of humanity! 

The animal control from Borger, a city in Texas that’s 600 miles away from Baytown, found Sheba and her microchip, which made it easy for them to track down the information about Sheba’s owners.

“The dog was scanned for a microchip while on scene, where he confirmed that it did indeed have a chip… When he made contact with the owner she stated that the dog had been stolen 5 YEARS AGO. The owner is excited and emotional after hearing the news.”

sheba in a car with the police officer that found her
Source: City of Borger

Stephanie couldn’t believe the news! Nobody knew how their dog ended up in a city so far away, but it happened!

“I got a text message and a phone call from City of Borger / Hutchinson County OEM animal control about 11am today telling me they found our German Shepherd Sheba that was stolen over 5 years ago.”

The animal control arranged a flight to return Sheba to her owners in record time. And, to make things even more unbelievable, Sheba’s return was planned on Stephanie’s birthday! No doubt that this is the best gift she could ever wish for!

The Most Emotional Reunion Ever

Sheba's family prepared a ceremony to welcome sheba back
Source: ABC 13 Houston

The family prepared the sweetest ceremony for Sheba at the local airport, with a banner saying, “Welcome home, Sheba!” Everyone was nervous, wondering whether Sheba would remember them.

As she finally landed, she was a little bit confused, but it only took her a minute to remember her long-lost family! It was a very emotional reunion full of tears of happiness! After all this time, Sheba was finally home with her loved ones!

emotional reunion between sheba and her long-lost family
Source: ABC 13 Houston

Even though she has aged since the last time, she is still a sweet, beautiful girl full of love towards her people. 

There were many questions to be answered, like where she had been all this time, but at that very moment, nothing seemed so relevant anymore. The only thing that mattered was that Sheba was finally home!

The video of Sheba reuniting with her owners soon went viral, melting the hearts of thousands of people all over the country. You can take a look at this sweet reunion here!
