Bogart The Bulldog Is The King Of His Street And Here’s Why


Bogart’s not a peeper! He’s just a happy Bulldog that likes to watch his neighborhood through a hole in his fence. 

Curiosity did kill the cat, but in Bogart’s case, his curiosity made him a star and a viral dog.

Watching over his street, greeting people passing by, and making sure everything is in order is Bogart’s favorite pastime. Unlike other Bullies, Bogart leads a pretty active lifestyle and could easily qualify as one of the finest watch dogs.

Nothing goes past his seeing eye. And, no one dares to walk by without greeting Bogart. 

Because, he’s really the king of his street and here’s the proof!

It All Started With A Hole

bogart the bulldog watching the neighborhood through a peephole
Source: Justsomething

The small town of Gråsten, Denmark is proud to be featured all over the world for having such a unique pooch. 

His name is Bogart, and like many hoomans and pooches during the Covid lockdown, he had a ruff time. Everyone tried to find something fun to do at home, and Bogart was pretty sad about not being able to run freely. 

Bogart is a curious pooch, and to prevent him from jumping over the fence, his owners did something cool. 

“We are living close to a walking path, so many people pass by every day and the dogs are just so curious. To prevent them from skipping the fence, we made the holes, but even if it was funny to see them from the other side, I just thought it would look even [funnier] if we painted something,” said Bogart’s mom, Ranveig Bjørklid Levinsen

And, yes… the rest was history. Bogart gladly accepted his new peeping hole and he couldn’t be happier! The pup during the lockdown finally got a glimpse of the outside world he missed so much. Together with his mom, Winston, Bogart visits the holes a lot during the day.

What started as a plain hole turned into a funny painting of a jester, like those stand-in photos you see in the carnivals. Soon enough, another hole followed, but this time, with a royal design. A crown and a red robe were featured and Bogart obviously favored this design.

bogart the bulldog's hole became a funny jester decoration
Source: BoredPanda

After all… he is the real king of the street!

Going Viral

funny photo of bogart peeping through a jester hole
Source: BoredPanda

Bogart’s mom didn’t think her dogs would go viral. A quick video captured by local people featuring Bogart peeping through his king hole soon became viral in Denmark, and as you can see, in the entire world, too!

“I, myself, am blown away that my little dog has gone viral—just because he looks goofy,” said Bogart’s mom.

bogart peeping through a king hole
Source: BoredPanda

Bogart probably has no idea why the people are laughing at him. But, he surely does enjoy the attention.
