Lucky Dog Gets A Lifetime Supply Of His Favorite Toy


Let’s take a trip down memory lane. 

Remember your favorite childhood toy? How many times have you stood before the washing machine, waiting for it to be nice and clean again?

Yeah, I agree… too many times.

And, you know what broke my heart for the first time? When my favorite toy bunny got so old even stitching him up couldn’t help. Mr. Bunny had to be thrown away. Of course, that was twenty plus years ago, and my mom couldn’t find a replacement even if she tried.

Fast forward to today, kids are still having their favorite toys, snugglers, and what-not to calm them whenever they need it. 

Marley, although he’s a dog baby, is still a baby to his mom. To prevent him from having the same childhood trauma we all had about our favorite toys, Marley’s mom reached out for a substitute. 

Little did she know they’d both get a surprise of a lifetime.

Marley And His Love For Strawberries

Marley has always been a very good boy… so gentle and caring, always emphatic when he needs to be. Well, dogs are usually like that, but Marley turned out to be special.

When his mom, Hayley Martin, noticed that Marley could have special abilities, she had him trained. The pup turned out to be a natural service dog. Together, they went through Marley’s service dog school and he was officially named an autism service dog.  

Now, he had proof of being a very good boi.

There’s nothing in the world Marley and his mom don’t do together, including going on shopping trips. Marley behaves so nicely that she never hesitates bringing him along. And, naturally, when Marley wants something, his mommy gladly buys it.

When he first saw a small strawberry toy, Marley immediately fell for it. And, when he discovered it was a squeaky toy… one of his favorites, he was over the moon. 

Photo of Marley with his favorite strawberry toy
Source: @Marleytheservicecollie

Mom, Marley, and the strawberry all went home together. The toy became his favorite despite many others he had. Everywhere Marley went, his toy was with him. It was like the safety blanket he needed. 

marley lying in bed with his toys
Source: TheDodo

But, Hayley knew Marley’s time with the strawberry would come to an end. He simply loved the toy too much, and played with it constantly. Time would do its trick and leave marks on Marley’s favorite berry.

An Act Of Kindness And A Wonderful Surprise

marley surprised with his favorite toy
Source: @marleytheservicecollie

After a year of proving how much he loved his toy, Marley’s strawberry began looking way too sad. It started tearing, and it was dirty beyond any repair. 

Hayley knew she had to find him a replacement strawberry. The dog grew fond of it, and she couldn’t bear the fact of him being left without it.

So, Hayley went on Facebook to do a little research. What she found out broke her heart.

The strawberry toy was discontinued! 

Hayley wondered how on Earth she would find a replacement for Marley if it’s discontinued? Seemed like the solution to this problem was nowhere near.

But, surprisingly, someone reached out after seeing Hayley’s post. It was a store manager who promised Hayley two of their strawberry toys. Seeing how hard Marley works, he knew he was doing a good deed. 

When the box arrived in the mail, both Marley and Hayley were super excited. But, the true surprise lied inside.

Marley didn’t get two strawberry toys.

He got a box full of them, precisely 20! 

box of Marley's favorite toy strawberries
Source: TheDodo

They both couldn’t believe their eyes. Marley received a lifetime supply of his favorite toy! He felt like the happiest pup in the world, exploring each squeaky strawberry, tasting them, giving them a good sniff, and simply enjoying the present of a lifetime.

marley grabbing a toy from the box
Source: TheDodo

“He didn’t know what to do! He was so gentle about it all, but was so excited! He spent an hour going through them all, giving each of them a nudge so they would squeak!” Hayley said to The Dodo.

marley admiring a pile of his favorite toys
Source: TheDodo

Hayley and Marley were beyond grateful for the present. The store manager did something incredible… an act of kindness they’ll never forget. You don’t see much of that these days. 

Both the doggy and his mommy felt blessed to receive such a kind present. Knowing Marley, he surely deserved all the kindness in the world.

Why Is Marley Such A Good Boy?

I can’t help but wonder: would any other dog, a normal pup from the neighborhood, receive such a present, or is Marley just too special?

Well, let’s just say Marley has been a really good boy all these years to his mommy.

Remember when I mentioned that Marley is an autism service dog? 

Well, he doesn’t serve as a support for other people. 

Marley helps his autistic mom, Hayley.

photo of Marley and Hayley
Source: @Marleytheservicecollie

Hayley has been diagnosed with autism. Living on the spectrum is beyond challenging. And, if it wasn’t for Marley, Hayley would have had an extremely rough time. 

Whenever she faces a sensory episode or a panic attack, Hayley tries to hurt herself. Luckily, Marley is there to prevent every crisis and offer her love and support. 

This Border Collie Kelpie mix has prevented numerous episodes throughout the years. 

You can follow their adventures here on Facebook.

To see what a good boi Marley is, I recommend you watch a video of him saving Hayley from another crisis. 
