Watch This Cute Time Lapse Of A German Shepherd Puppy Growing Up, 8 Weeks To 1 Year


There is nothing cuter than a German Shepherd puppy. The fluffy appearance, the adorable ears, and the cute little face are all simply precious. 

The only downside to getting a puppy is that they just grow up so fast. Time flows by like a fleeting breeze, and a once-tiny frame suddenly transforms into a graceful and majestic creature. 

When Lucas Smissen and his wife, Kelsey, finally got their dream German Shepherd puppy named Kylo, they decided to film him growing up. 

german shepherd puppy sitting on the lawn
Source: @lucassmissen

They would set up a GoPro camera, and every day, take one photo of Kylo up until he was one year old. 

Eventually, Kylo got used to it so much that as soon as Lucas would pick up his camera, he would run to the spot every morning. 

cute german shepherd puppy sitting on the grass
Source: @kels_smiss

Lucas and Kelsey have a YouTube channel called The Journey, which is all about young adults and inspiring others to live out their passion by using their talents and gifts to make a difference in the world. 

Their motto is “Tomorrow Is Too Late”, so on their YouTube page and various other social media platforms, you can see them traveling to beautiful places around the world with their little family. 

man and woman with their dogs posing for photography
Source: @kels_smiss

On January 29, 2020, they posted a video titled “German Shepherd Puppy Growing Up, 8 Weeks To 1 Year” featuring their new pup, Kylo. 

Lucas wrote in the description:

“Took a long time to do this, but so worth the effort! Kylo is the newest member to the family, we got him about 15 months ago, and we have loved every minute with him. I wanted to take my German Shepherd and show him growing as a puppy from a little guy at 8 weeks up to his 1 year birthday. I did it all with my gopro, and took one photo every day for a year, and here is how it turned out!”

Here’s how it turned out: 

People loved the video, and especially loved seeing Kylo’s growing up process. Many of them were inspired to do the same with their pup. 

One viewer said, “Thanks for the idea, I will also take a photo of my doggo everyday when I get it,” and others were thankful for the beautiful video. 

But, Kylo is not the only baby in the family. Before him, the Smissen family had a Corgi named Bilbo, and the two are now brothers and the best of friends. 

They have their own page on Instagram (@bilboandkylo), so don’t hesitate to follow them there and see more photos of the two cute pups. 

Recently, the family got a new little addition, and Kylo is the best at protecting his hooman brother. 

german shepherd dog lying beside newborn baby on the couch
Source: @bilboandkylo

Even though Kylo is a lot bigger now, he is still as beautiful as he was when he was 8 weeks old. 

If you have puppies at home, we also encourage you to take a photo of them every day, and the results will amaze you. 

Don’t forget to share with us because we love seeing your pooches. 

german shepherd dog lying on the grass
Source: @kels_smiss
