German Shepherd And Golden Retriever Prove That Love At First Sight Exists


Dogs love.

Dogs want to be loved.

Dogs fall in love, too, just like we humans! 

That’s because dogs are social creatures. They need contact. They need emotions. They need other dogs. 

Sometimes, love can be born after a long dog friendship. They start as friends and move onto bigger things.

But, sometimes, love strikes them at first sight. 

When Leo met Zara for the first time, he was absolutely smitten by this gorgeous German Shepherd girl. It was clear to his owner that old Leo fell hard for the newcomer. 

The owner had to do what had to be done: keep the lovely girl until someone comes and claims her. 

Love At First Sight… Or Better Yet, Sniff!  

photo of a fluffy german shepherd named zara
Source: I Love GSD

Every great dog love story starts at the park. Well, Leo and Zara’s story started on one of his walks.

As the dashing Golden Retriever was walking with his owner around the block, he discovered something unusual: another dog!

But, he had no idea who it was, as Leo knew everyone on the street and in his park.

He decided to come closer and introduce himself. 

Leo found out the stray German Shepherd was a girl, and his heart melted.

german shepherd and golden retriever fell in love at first sniff
Source: Only German Shepherds

Their eyes locked and love at first sight, and sniff, was born!

Leo and his human mom invited the poor girl to come over to their home. She was clearly under a lot of stress, severely dehydrated, hungry, and afraid. Still, the girl felt like she was going to be okay if she came with Leo. His kind eyes told her everything she needed to know.

Back at Leo’s place, they offered her food and water, but she was too afraid to enjoy her meal. 

Zara getting fed at Leo's place
Source: Only German Shepherd

Leo didn’t lose his hope. He tried really hard around the lost girl, and eventually, she gave in. Little by little, the lost GSD girl opened up and started playing with Leo.

He was over the moon, ecstatic and super excited that his new friend shared the same feelings as he did. The two love dogs enjoyed their long playtime session until the evening crashed in.

Of course, Leo’s owner spread the word that she found a lost German Shepherd girl. By the evening of the same day, her owner came by.

It turned out that the sweet German Shepherd girl is named Zara, and she was dearly missed by her family. 

photo of Zara the GSD
Source: Only German Shepherds

Zara had great luck to run into Leo and his owner. 

And, Leo also had luck because he scored the girl of his dreams. 

The two pooches in love separated that day, but promised each other that they would reunite soon and make their love even stronger.
