Despite His Condition, This Blind And Deaf Doggo Is A Wonderful Foster Dad


The story of Sherio isn’t exactly the happiest one that you will find on the internet these days… This poor boy was abandoned several times by his ex families, and lived most of his life in shelters. On top of that, this poor boy’s deaf and partially blind, and definitely couldn’t make it on his own…

Still, when Sheryl, his forever mom, finally adopted him, this amazing champion not only adapted well, but he started acting as the most trustworthy and caring foster! 

I guess his unfortunate and difficult experience from before has turned him into a beautiful, sensitive companion that just wants to make those going through the same thing feel better. And, he indeed succeeded!

Sherio Has Been Adopted Four Times

Sherio holds a blue ball in mouth
Source: Sherio’s Shenanigans 

Unfortunately, Sherio wasn’t always a happy, carefree dog that had everything he needed. He spent most of his puppy and adult life in shelters and foster homes. To be exact, he has been in two shelters and even twelve different foster homes. But, that’s not all! 

Four different families tried to adopt this white boy and make him a family dog, but then each and every one of them returned him back where they found him.

I guess him being deaf and blind was just too much for his former rescuers…

The sad destiny of Sherio really is heartbreaking. All those relocations and changes have made him go through serious separation anxiety and trauma. He was shaking every time he would step into a car – and you can understand why.

However, everything was about to change with Sheryl Smith, the next rescuer…

He Knew What It Feels Like To Be Abandoned

photo of Sherio at the beach
Source: Sherio’s Shenanigans

Sherio finally found his forever home in 2018 when Sheryl adopted him. She immediately fell in love with his big smile and those kind eyes. She just couldn’t understand why someone would ever abandon such a beautifully-tempered dog.

Sure, he was having some tough times when visiting the vet, as he was afraid that she would abandon him, but other than that – he was nothing but a good boy!

The best part was – he unexpectedly, and without any professional training, provided care for all the foster animals Sheryl would bring home at times. He would guard them, kiss and lick them, and do whatever it took to make sure they’re okay.

The Best Foster Dad Ever

photo of happy Sherio with foster cat
Source: Sherio’s Shenanigans

Even though he made sure every foster animal felt safe and loved in their small home – Sherio had a special bond with foster cats. 

He was always a tolerant and well-mannered boy towards them. He’d allow them to sleep next to him, to be mounted, and even occasionally teased. He just appreciated every second with new family members, not displaying any sort of outbursts.

Sherio was simply happy to finally have a home…

Sherio Suffered From Seven Different Cancers

Sherio during his cancer treatment
Source: Sherio’s Shenanigans

One of the worst days in Sheryl’s life was finding a lump on Sherio’s back again. Unfortunately, after already beating cancer before, he was diagnosed with seven different types of progressive cancer in 2022. 

He was regularly receiving chemo treatments and radiation, still managing to preserve his happy attitude and provide love to his family. 

Sadly, months after coping with cancer, Sherio passed away. Even though he was cancer free by the summer of 2022, his immune system was just too weak from all the chemo and radiation. 

Needless to say – Sheryl and all of her family were devastated. Their white, four-legged boy wasn’t there anymore…

“I can’t believe he’s gone… He jumped off the bed to greet the vet and died giving me kisses”, said Sheryl, on her Facebook.

Rest In Peace, Champ

photo of happy Sherio
Source: Sherio’s Shenanigans

Sheryl had a hard few months coping with Sherio’s death… 

She thought of the proper way to honor her favorite boy when something occurred to her – she wanted to adopt another puppy and continue the tradition of saving abandoned canines. That way, she would always be able to remember her precious foster boy – Sherio.
