This 9-Week-Old German Shepherd Puppy Is Mastering Her Obedience Skills


Training a puppy is probably the most sensitive, yet one of the most integral parts of dog ownership. The whole process takes a lot of time, patience, and knowledge, but once you perfect it, you’ll have a good boi or girl for life!

German Shepherds, on the other hand, seem to take this phase of life with joy, as they’re not only one of the best family doggos in the world, but one of the smartest ones, too!

For Jenny, back then, a 9-week-old German Shepherd girl, basic obedience training was a walk in the park! Her owner had no trouble making her sit, stay, shake hands, and give the cutest high five, as she’s such a brilliant girl!

Perfecting Her Basic Obedience Skills Since Early Puppyhood

jenny the german shepherd puppy learning obedience
Source: Life With Jenny

Jenny’s owner, who stands behind the Life With Jenny YT channel, shows his dog’s brilliance in a short, three-minute video! This is one of his old videos of Jenny, who was, back then, just a 9-week-old puppy. 

Jenny displays her stunning obedience, even though this was one of her first training sessions ever! She learned how to sit, stay in place, shake her owner’s hand, and give the cutest high five, all with just treats and the friendly, decisive attitude of her owner.

german shepherd puppy learning how to high five
Source: Life With Jenny

The Trend Continues As She Fully Grows

fully grown german shepherd perfecting obedience
Source: Life With Jenny

Years later, she’s still the same obedient girl that she was when she was just a puppy! Jenny enjoys taking obedience classes very much, and she now does it with such class!

It seems that she picked up a few new tricks along the way, as she now also spins on command!

Whether it’s due to the fact that she gets her favorite treats after every successful command or she just likes to please her owner, it doesn’t matter – her obedience skills are just impeccable!

The Cutest Head Tilt That You’re Gonna See

german shepherd cute head tilt
Source: Life With Jenny

Okay, I’ll admit – sometimes, she likes to pretend not to understand her loving hooman, and she then gives him the cutest head tilt ever! 

“A small talk with my German Shepherd,” wrote Jenny’s dad under the video.

But, don’t worry – that’s all just part of their beautiful relationship! Jenny knows perfectly well how to read lips, emotions, and her hooman’s attitude. And, she does it like a pro!

Enjoying The Play With Her Husky Friend, Lady

german shepherd and husky playing in the field
Source: Life With Jenny

When she’s not mastering new skills, she’s probably out in the field playing with her owner, or with her Husky friend – Lady.

She just loves running around with Lady, pretending to be chasing her or running away when it’s Lady’s turn to chase her. 

Jenny is a true extrovert, as she loves spending her days around as many people and doggos as possible! And yet, she stays true to her obedience, as she’s nothing less than a pawfect German Shepherd girl!
