The Cutest Puppy Mail Carrier Charms The Internet With His Adorable Bunny Ears


It’s absolutely heartbreaking to think of the large number of dogs who are abandoned every year. Unable to take care of them, their owners leave them to their luck, often abandoning them at deserted places where they are left to fend for themselves while facing difficult life conditions.

It’s the ultimate betrayal that demonstrates their lack of compassion or empathy for the loyal dogs who only deserve the best.

Our next story is about an abandoned puppy, Priority, who succeeded in turning his life around and charming the Internet at the same time.

In A Priority Box

cute puppy in a plastic box
Source: Ruff Start Rescue

It was just an ordinary day for a U.S. Postal Service mail carrier. She was going about her route in South Dakota when a little black-and-white puppy on the road attracted her attention. She ran out of the car to pick him up. He was lying on a gravel road, exhausted by heat.

The puppy looked just a few weeks old, and was clearly underweight. The mail carrier put him in a priority box, and carried on with her route. The charming pup proved to be a great companion and helped her deliver the mail.

Having finished her mail route, the mail carrier took her little companion to the vet. He had no injuries, but was severely dehydrated. She saved him at the last minute.

After he recovered at the clinic, the local shelter reached out to Ruff Start Rescue, in Princeton, asking them to take him in. They agreed, and shortly after, the adorable puppy arrived at the rescue.

After hearing his backstory, the shelter volunteers named him Priority.

Stealing Everybody’s Hearts

adorable puppy with bunny ears in the car
Source: Ruff Start Rescue

The rescue organization posted about Priority on their Facebook page, and the adorable pup caught the eye of a little girl, Frida. She convinced her mom, Taya, to take him in and become his foster mom.

“Frida saw the picture and really fell in love with Priority… She lobbied hard. She wrote me a couple of letters. She stayed after it. She said she was definitely gonna help out.”

With his foster family, Priority continued her recovery in Eagan. He gained weight, became healthier, and was ready to start his search for his forever home. 

They knew he wouldn’t wait long for his forever family because nobody could resist Priority’s big pointy ears and graceful head tilt. Priority was adopted almost immediately after the rescue posted a call for his adoption.

sweet puppy with bunny ears
Source: Ruff Start Rescue

Running Into His Mom’s Arms

Taya and Frida introduced him to his new parents. Priority must’ve felt an immediate connection with his new mom because he ran into her outstretched arms and licked her face as soon as he saw her.

That was it. Priority was on his way to start a brand new life with his forever family in the Twin Cities. His adoptive family was sure that he would enjoy exploring the five-acre trails around his new home.

In November 2022, all Priority’s well-wishers were overjoyed to see an update about his new life with his family. Now, his name is Pepper, and he just passed his Beginner Obedience. His family is so proud of him, and they’re excited to continue with obedience, and perhaps try agility in the near future. 

cute dog with bunny ears sitting on the ground
Source: Ruff Start Rescue

He also found a good friend in Lady, his family’s other dog.  

“He and Lady are good buds, and love running around together outside and seeing what kind of critters they can chase/catch. He really is sweet, and provides some great entertainment every day,” Pepper’s family said.

Priority’s story shows how a small act of kindness can save someone’s life. If the mail carrier hadn’t stopped to pick the puppy up that day, he wouldn’t have survived. 

When dog owners decide to abandon their loyal companions, the least they can do is take them to a shelter and make sure they are well taken care of. 

In order to save more animal lives, the whole community needs to do their part. We have to be there for all the defenseless and abandoned animals who are counting on us while they’re waiting to be saved. We mustn’t disappoint them!
