Cute Pup Discovers His True Calling And Becomes An Alarm Clock


One thing all of us can agree on when it comes to German Shepherd puppies is that they are irresistibly adorable! These fluffy bundles of joy are not only the cutest thing ever, but they also possess an impressive level of intelligence and are incredibly determined.

Did you know that German Shepherds rank as the third most intelligent, with an IQ of around 85? That’s like a three-year-old child.

With all of that being said, today’s story will not only prove how smart these dogs really are, but also that waking up doesn’t have to be as hard as we think.

Best Alarm Clock In The World

Jessie, the German Shepherd pup, lives up to his reputation. He is a cute ball of fluff who found his new calling. He realized that the sooner his hooman wakes up, the sooner he will get his daily dose of attention.

And, what better way to make sure your two-legged friend wakes up than becoming an alarm clock? But, this alarm doesn’t just wake you up, it also showers you with kisses.

Dog hugging his owner

As soon as Jessie wakes up, he springs up onto the bed and gets right to work. And, it’s the best job ever. I mean, who wouldn’t want to smother their favorite person in kisses in return for some good old attention?

He certainly removes all the annoying parts of a typical alarm clock! With Jessie on the job, his human is awoken in no time and is already having a great day. This is the kind of waking up experience that everyone should have!

With Jessie on the job, there’s no need for a snooze button. Even when his dad is awake, there is no reason to stop. He continues with his kisses, snuggling on the chest of his favorite person in the world.

Owner hugging dog while sleeping

Even when his human fake-snores to see what the pup will do, he gets his paws and tongue right back on the job. Whenever he hears him snoozing, his sleep he is losing.  

Jessie gets a bit confused as to why his hooman isn’t waking up with all of the good job he is doing, so he decides to switch strategies. He goes from licking to bouncing up and down on the bed, nibbling on his dad and trying to get him up already.

But, when this doesn’t work, he decides to give him 5 more minutes in dreamland. Jessie snuggles up next to him, his mind wanders, dreaming about all the exciting places they might go on their next walk.

Final Word

With Jessie around, a night owl becomes an early bird in no time. His love for his human is unconditional as he infuses each morning with positive energy and enthusiasm. Who wouldn’t want to start their day this way?

This is just another reminder that the best alarm clock is the everlasting love of your four-legged friend. So, here’s to everyone waking up to sweet kisses and endless cuddles!

For those who haven’t experienced the magic of having a dog as their morning companion, but are tempted by the idea, contact your local shelter and adopt today!

