Woman Finds A Dog Exploring The Laundry Room Of Her Building


We, as humans, are often surprised by many things in our daily lives. But, many of those are usually expected and we see it coming.

In some instances, surprises can be unexpected and startle us. In the story we will be talking about today, a woman was in a similar situation when she encountered a dog in the most unusual place.

A Very Sweet Surprise

the white dog explores the laundry room
Source: Bianca Nachmani

Bianca Nachmani was just going about doing her usual chores when she was heading down to the laundry room of her building in New York and was pleasantly surprised.

When she entered the room, there was a very large dog there. He was just exploring the laundry machines and got really excited when he met his new friend.

Nachmani told The Dodo: At first, I didn’t know if he had come from an apartment down the hall that wasn’t visible but maybe had a door open, or if maybe he had managed to get on the elevator from another floor without his owner.

It’s safe to say that she was very confused. However, the dog, named Apollo, helped clarify the situation.

He led her to the apartment that he apparently broke out of. She wasn’t sure if Apollo was safe there in the meantime in case he tries to break out again, so she led him back to the laundry room.

Nachmani continued by saying: I’m a dog mom and have always had a huge love for animals of all kinds, so I was thrilled to have a friend to make my chores a bit more interesting — even if he made the process a bit less efficient.

A New Laundry Assistant

dog behind the door by the washing machine
Source: Bianca Nachmani

She continued with her laundry and Apollo was there to assist by taking her wallet and trying to take it for himself.

Regardless, Nachmani enjoyed his company very much and decided she would stay with him until his family came looking for him.

Some time had passed and his human mom realized that he was gone, so she yelled his name in the hallway to see if he was nearby.

Apollo sprinted all the way back to his apartment and greeted his mom, leaving her completely oblivious as to what he’d been doing this whole time.

Luckily, Nachmani was there to explain the whole situation to her. She said: I just told her that Apollo was hysterical and that I had kept an eye on him in the laundry room. She laughed and was obviously a bit shocked that so much had transpired while she was in the shower.

In the end, this turned out to be one of those surprises that was just really exciting and fun.

@boncs0 Today I met a golden retriever in the laundry room…. to be continued #newyork #laundry #dog #funny #dogsoftiktok #goldenretriever #fyp #crazy @The Dodo ♬ Funny Song – Cavendish Music
