This Animal Hospital Prepares “Goodbye Kisses” To Comfort Dogs In Their Final Moments


The decision to euthanize your beloved dog is undoubtedly one of the most heart-wrenching choices any pet owner can face. 

For those who find themselves in this painful situation, one Alabama animal hospital has come up with a deeply touching practice, known as “goodbye kisses”. 

As the final farewell draws near, the beautiful staff at the hospital tries to provide solace not only to animals in pain, but also to their grieving human companions. 

This heartbreaking ritual has emerged as a testament to the profound bond shared between humans and their cherished four-legged family members, and as a bittersweet moment of closure in the face of euthanasia. 

The “Goodbye Kisses” Jar 

jar full of chocolates
Source: Smiths Station Animal Hospital

Smiths Station Animal Hospital in Alabama knows how hard it is to lose a furry member of the family. 

So, they came up with a touching ritual to provide comfort not only to dogs in their final moments, but also to their family members. 

They posted a picture of a jar on Facebook called “Goodbye Kisses”, filled to the brim with little chocolates – Hershey’s Kisses.

The photo included the following message of Dr. Nicole Namie: 

“This jar is reserved for our euthanasia appointments… because no dog should go to Heaven without tasting chocolate.


Dr. Namie”

Not only did this post immediately go viral worldwide, but it also caused a flood of comments from heartbroken animal lovers. 

The post was shared more than 123K times and has received a lot of love. 

Jennifer Williams, manager of Smiths Station Animal Hospital, told Fox News that it was actually a technician, Casey Hinkley, who came up with this idea after seeing something similar online. 

Williams said that even before the jar, they would always give animals a treat before euthanization, but she loved the idea of the designed jar.

“It was a good idea because it was designated jar, and seeing the ‘goodbye kisses,’ it just broke my heart,” Williams said.    

Saying Goodbye With Love 

owner comforting golden retriever

Generally, chocolate is toxic for dogs; however, when the end is near, it serves as a special treat to sick doggos.  

“We try to provide as much comfort as possible during a terribly difficult and emotional time. My staff has always kept little snacks and candy bars tucked away specifically for those appointments. Typically, these are treats that I wouldn’t recommend giving to my patients, but in their final moments, I think it’s important to offer them something special. It isn’t a service that clients expect or anticipate, but they really seem to appreciate. They seem to find comfort in knowing their pets are going to Heaven with a full belly and love in their hearts,” Dr. Namie told WRBL News 3. 

Whenever the weather conditions permit, the staff endeavors to arrange a picnic outside for families to spend their final moments with their beloved pet. 

“Electing to euthanize a pet is an incredibly vulnerable time. In many cases, it’s the first time kids have had to say goodbye to someone they’ve loved,” Dr. Namie said. “They seem to find comfort in knowing their pets are going to Heaven with a full belly and love in their hearts.”

Many people around the country have been impressed by their compassion in dealing with such a difficult matter. 

Within a few days of their posting about their “Goodbye Kisses” jar, they have received a shipment of Hershey’s Kisses milk chocolates from an unidentified fan to assist in filling the jar. 

bag of hershey's kisses chocolates
Source: Smiths Station Animal Hospital

But, it’s not only that – people went above and beyond to tell their heartbreaking stories and even send pictures of their beloved pets as a sign of support for everything the hospital does for their patients. 

Tender Goodbyes

Since posting about their “Goodbye Kisses” jar, the hospital has received thousands of photos of pets that have sadly crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 

Overwhelmed by the support from people all around the world, they decided to compile all the photos in the video. They received so many beautiful pictures that they had to make three separate videos. 

It was not only the pet parents that were touched by the tender gesture – other vet workers also loved the idea and decided to do the same in their clinics. 

Thanks to Smiths Station Animal Hospital, now doggos from all over the country have the opportunity to try the delicious treat moments before they leave this world forever. 
