Two Stray GSD BFFs Step Into Their New Lives Together


Although Humane Societies and shelters have good intentions, and they’re rescuing dogs from stressful situations, they’re still a form of stress for dogs.

Rescued pups need a forever home… a safe environment where they won’t feel any form of tension. 

Depending on the shelter organization, the maximum time a dog can spend in a shelter before getting adopted varies. Some shelters allow only a short period of time, while others keep rescued dogs for months. 

That was the case with two German Shepherds, Jackson and Hazel… a couple rescued together. They spent sixty days at the shelter before they were adopted by one kind man. 

The shelter was desperate to find them a home where they would be loved and cared for.

The rescue came in the shape of Lee Asher, the founder of The Asher House… a dog sanctuary in Estacada, Oregon. 

And, let me tell you something… Jackson and Hazel couldn’t have wished for a better home!

Two Happy Doggos Go To Their New Haven

man cuddling with two german shepherd dogs indoors
Source: YouTube

After a court-ordered confiscation, two German Shepherds, named Jackson and Hazel, were waiting for a kind person who would adopt them together.

Finding a furever home for a bigger dog is already difficult, let alone two dogs that were quite inseparable.

Even though the dogs in question are German Shepherds, followed by a reputation of tough and dominant dogs, Jackson and Hazel were pretty calm and tame. Ever since they arrived at the shelter, they have been super friendly, and they brought joy to everyone.

That’s why the shelter was so desperate to find them a loving home. Jackson and Hazel weren’t your average German Shepherds. They were sweet, cuddly, and extremely kind.

When Asher arrived at the shelter, the dogs were super excited to meet him as if they could tell he was the one that would save them.

man hugging german shepherd dog in the park
Source: YouTube

When Hazel and Jackson arrived at The Asher House, they were put outside in a big cage where they could safely smell other dogs at the sanctuary and the other dogs could smell them.

two german shepherd dogs in a big cage
Source: YouTube

Half of the pack came to greet the newcomers, and both GSDs were acting normal, showing no sign of distress or aggression towards other dogs. As Asher said, it was clear to him that they weren’t exposed to other canines before. 

Soon enough, Asher decided it was safe to let them off the leash, just to check out their behavior, whether they’d go into hyper mode or stay close to him and the rest of the pack.

Surprisingly, the dogs did great! Asher was thrilled! He didn’t have any high expectations, but both Jackson and Hazel surpassed them all. They were friendly, open-minded, and genuinely happy to meet their new buddies.

two german shepherd dog playing with big black dog indoors
Source: YouTube

Even when Asher walked away, trying to see if they would follow him, they came along like it was the only logical thing to do. 

It was safe to say that those doggos would find their new owners at the speed of light.

And, that sure did happen! 

Both Jackson and Hazel were happily adopted in a short period of time, leaving Asher with a huge gap in his heart, but still a happy hooman for helping them get back on their feet.
