This Pup Was Abused, Trapped In A Backpack, And Dumped Into A Trash Bin


Despite having laws to provide felony penalties in almost all states, animal abuse is still a serious problem in the U.S. In fact, in many cases, this type of abuse has a positive correlation with child abuse and family violence.

According to statistics, animal abuse appears in around 88% of families under supervision for physical abuse of children, which is a shocking indicator that bullies resort to violence because of who they are; not because of who on the other side is.

One such case of cold-hearted cruelty was recorded in Shakopee, Minnesota, where an 11-week-old puppy was thrown in a dumpster in a backpack near the local auto shop. However, thanks to a mechanic’s curiosity, the abused puppy was timely noticed.

This is what happened next!

A Life-Saving Rescue

a man holds a rescued puppy in his arms
Source: Shakopee Police Department

Never in his wildest dreams could RJ, the mechanic of Midas Auto Shop, in Shakopee, Minnesota, expect that he’d end up making headlines on the news all over the United States. 

However, when he came to work one day, he heard knocking from a nearby dumpster, thinking it was a raccoon. Still, his curiosity made him step a little closer and take a look into the dumpster, only to find a moving backpack, and then – a puppy in it!

Small, 11-week-old puppy popped his head out of the backpack and made the sweetest eye contact with his savior. It was a heartbreaking moment for this giant-hearted man who was about to cry when he saw such a sorrowful sight.

He immediately pulled the puppy out of the dumpster and informed his colleagues and the local police department about his discovery.

“This sweet little guy was found this morning thrown out in a backpack placed in a dumpster. Thankfully, the team at Midas Auto Repair noticed something amiss and pulled him out.” the Shakopee Police Department wrote.

Turns out, the puppy he later named after his rescuers Midas, was abused. He had a fractured jaw and an infection inside his lungs.

“My Heart Dropped”

a man holds a puppy in his arms
Source: FOX 9 Minneapolis-St. Paul

RJ was devastated to witness such a horrific animal abuse act with his own eyes. He was absolutely shattered to the bone knowing that someone would do something like this.

“My heart dropped. This dog didn’t need any of that. How could you do that to this puppy? That’s heartless,” RJ told WCCO – CBS Minnesota

rescued puppy sitting on carpet sad
Source: WCCO – CBS Minnesota

Luckily, Midas was timely rescued, and even though scared and clearly traumatized, he no longer had any reason to feel unsafe, ever again!

Midas And RJ Showered With Love By The Community

a man holds a rescued stray dog
Source: Shakopee Police Department

The whole story didn’t go unnoticed by the Minnesota community. In fact, many people reached out to RJ and Midas Auto Shop to offer help! 

“We couldn’t be more proud of RJ, a mechanic at our Shakopee shop, for coming to the rescue for a little pup after discovering him in a nearby dumpster,” says Midas on their official Facebook page.

According to Reed Styve, the owner of this local shop, he received more phone calls about Midas than he ever receives about car work. To make things even more amazing – many people offered their financial support to take care of this poor puppy.

People dropped off donuts and pizzas at the shop, showing gratitude and deep respect for such a noble act by this team of big-hearted people.

Midas’ story ended up making headlines all over the country, causing thousands of heartwarming reactions and proving that it only takes a little effort and just one good deed to move the hearts of many, and what’s most important – to save an innocent life! 

Living The Best Life In A Furever Home

a happy dog licks its owner
Source: Shakopee Police Department

Even though there were rumors that Midas was actually stolen and that he belonged to someone, he was never claimed. RJ was ready to give the puppy up despite the fact that he wanted to keep it, but he didn’t get any valid proof that Midas was someone else’s dog.

a dog with its tongue out is sitting on the grass
Source: Shakopee Police Department

That’s why RJ decided to bring Midas home where he lives with his family and two more dogs. 

“Midas now shares a home with two other dogs and they’ve all become besties who love to run and play in their back yard. Midas’s hobbies include chasing grasshoppers and following Dad around while he works on cars,” the SPD wrote in their Facebook post.

After all the hardship, this sweet little boy is finally where he was always supposed to be – in a loving home!
