Dog Goes Missing For 10 Months And Returns to His Family All Because Of His Microchip 


One of the saddest moments dog parents could go through is finding out that their dog went missing. It is a very heavy burden which not only fills their hearts with sadness, but with worry as well.

Even though this happened to the family of today’s story, in the end, luck sure smiled on them.

Looking For Conway

a smiling pit bull is sitting on the grass and looking at the camera
Source: Highlands County Sheriff’s Office via The Dodo

In November of 2021, an adorable dog by the name of Conway went missing from his family home, located in Highlands County, Florida.

As soon as they realized that he was gone, Conway’s family left no stone unturned while looking for him.

Sadly, they simply couldn’t find him.

A Very Familiar Dog

a dog with a leash is standing and looking at the camera
Source: Highlands County Sheriff’s Office via The Dodo

10 months after Conway’s disappearance, a stray dog was located wandering the streets of Highlands County.

After being picked up by the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office’s animal services unit, the dog was taken to a shelter for a well-needed checkup.

The checkup sure did him a lot of good. Not only was he feeling a lot better, but he also told the vet exactly who he was.

After finding out that he was microchipped, the vet found out that his name was actually Conway!

The shelter immediately scanned his microchip, finding all the information they needed and contacting his family, letting them know the great news.

The family was overjoyed when they heard that their sweet dog was finally found. They quickly made their way down to the sheriff’s station, eagerly waiting to be reunited.

After seeing his family for the first time in such a long time, Conway was left shocked. He just stared at them, trying to understand if this was really happening.

However, it didn’t take him long to realize that it was really them!

Conway ran into the embrace of his family, who were unable to hold their tears back. Joy completely filled up the room as the family was reunited, catching up on lost time and sharing hugs and kisses.

They also kept thanking the rescuers for reuniting them with their sweet boy again.

“The main purpose of the Animal Services Unit is to return animals to their owners or, if that isn’t possible, find a new home for them. Any time we do that, it is a victory, but this is one of those that definitely stands out for all of us,” said Scott Dressel of the Highlands County Sheriff’s Office.

Final Word

I can’t even imagine what joy the family must have felt after they saw their Conway run into that room, finally feeling whole again.

Let this story serve as a reminder of why microchipping is so important. Even though we like to think that nothing wrong is ever going to happen to our pet and that he or she will never go missing, it is important to still be cautious.

And, heaven forbid, if something like that does happen, remember to update your microchip and never lose hope!
