Wolfdog Owners Discover Their Pet Has The Most Unique Way Of Purring  


The idea of owning a wolf is an enticing one to many people, which is why wolfdog hybrids have become very popular lately. 

According to W.O.L.F Sanctuary, there are approximately 250,000 to 500,000 wolves and wolfdogs owned as pets in the United States alone.

With high-rising popularity also comes a higher danger of over-breeding, backyard breeding, and using puppies for profit. 

Steve and Paula are an amazing couple from Los Angeles, California, who through their non-profit organization – Apex Protection Project – save and rescue many wolfdog species, including beautiful baby boy, Loki. 

Rescued From A Backyard Breeder

woman feeding wolfdog
Source: Facebook

Loki was rescued when he was only 3 ½ weeks old from a backyard breeding situation, along with his other littermates. 

He was so small that he could fit in their hand almost perfectly. 

Steve and Paula were up all night, every single day, feeding Loki and the other littermates, trying to keep them alive. 

Two baby wolfdogs
Source: Facebook

“So, Loki was raised by both of us, all of our volunteers, a Pitbull, and Taboo, our wolfdog, who was kind of like his momma,” Steve told GeoBeats Animals. 

wolfdogs playing
Source: Facebook

Loki grew unbelievably fast, transforming into a majestic creature weighing 100 pounds. 

“He doesn’t look like a wolf; he doesn’t look like a dog. He’s almost like a cartoon,” Steve said.  

Loki is 51% dog and 49% wolf, but to anyone who knows him – he is 100% lovebug. 

He ‘Purrs’ When He’s Happy 

Wolfdog sleeping
Source: Facebook

Having worked with wolfdogs for many years now, Steve and Paula learned that these hybrids often have an unusual way of communicating. 

It took them years to learn wolf language and what it actually means – 95% of their language is composed of growls. 

“A lot of people who don’t know him assume he’s growling, when actually, that’s his purr. He does it when he is happy,” Paula said. “He growls at everything and everyone in the most loving way,” Steve added while cracking a smile. 

It might be weird for someone, or even scary, but that is just how Loki communicates. He has been doing these “happy growls” ever since he was a little baby. 

Wolfdog showing his teeth
Source: Facebook

According to Steve and Paula, Loki is truly a giant sweetheart, and has always been.

When six little puppies came to the rescue, Loki became their nanny and took care of them, and they followed him everywhere. 

If you’re considering getting a wolfdog, Steve has advice for you: 

“They’re not for everyone. If you want to have any kind of normal life, don’t get a wolfdog. They’re like having a 2-year-old child with very large teeth for the rest of their life. You have to have eyes in the back of your head. It’s literally a full-time job.” 

However, no matter how difficult it may be raising them, they’re still amazing creatures that take your breath away every time you look at them. 

Wolfdog standing on the moutain
Source: Facebook

Both Steve and Paula agree that there is something magical about wolfdogs. “He’s almost like a woodland creature… like he came from Narnia,” they said. 

Loki has been a part of their life for almost 8 years now. He is their child, and they wouldn’t have it any other way. 

Watch Loki’s story here to hear some of his famous “happy growls”
