Cat Steals Newborn Puppies, The Reason Will Shock You


Cats are the worst, right? 

Dogs and dog people are the best!

I’ve never heard of cats giving anyone their unconditional love besides their own species.

They’re arrogant, snobbish, and so full of themselves!

But, one cat proved that all these statements are wrong. 

One cat proved that felines aren’t as heartless as they may appear. 

Sure, this one cat stole a litter of puppies, but the reason behind it will surprise you and probably make you tear up.

Miss Kitty, The Thief

the cat carries a newborn puppy in its mouth
Source: Youtube

The people of a South Carolina Trailer Park were quite surprised one day with an unusual sight. Some of them had to wipe their glasses, others had to shake their head in disbelief, but they all saw the same thing:

A cat carrying puppies from one end of the Park to the other!

They all knew the cat, and they assumed whose puppies she was carrying. Naturally, they went investigating and following the cat.

Miss Kitty was her name, and she stole five newborn puppies from her canine friend’s litter. When the owner of Smoochy, the birth mom of the puppies, came home, she found the cat hiding in her usual spot near her trailer. 

Missy Grant, the owner of the puppies, immediately found the cat’s owner and asked her what was that all about. 

Surprisingly, they were good neighbors and there was no bad blood between them.

So, why did the cat steal the puppies?

As Miss Kitty’s owner said, the cat was pregnant, too. She gave birth to her first litter that, despite her love and care, didn’t make it. Poor Miss Kitty was heartbroken, left without a kitten to take care of, and with her mind running on mom regime. 

She needed someone to fill the void. She needed her babies back.

Only days after Miss Kitty’s loss, Smoochy, the neighborhood Cocker Spaniel, gave birth to her five puppies. The cat took it as a sign to step in and take the lead.

Why Did Miss Kitty Steal The Puppies?

black newborn puppies
Source: Youtube

Surprisingly, Miss Kitty wasn’t the bad cat here. She didn’t steal the puppies because she wanted them all for herself. She didn’t steal them because she hated Smoochy, the dog, and wanted to hurt her. 

Miss Kitty stole them because they were in desperate need of a mother!

Now, I’m not judging Smoochy because there must’ve been a good reason behind her behavior. As Smoochy gave birth to her puppies, she started showing little to no interest at all. 

yellow cat and black puppy
Source: Youtube

Such behavior usually happens because the pups are either too weak or the mom is too inexperienced. Lucky for Smoochy’s babies, they had a backup mom, and it didn’t matter if she was another species at all.

Miss Kitty’s instincts kicked in and she decided to steal the puppies to save them.

One by one, she stole the puppies from their birth mom and nursed them. Miss Kitty gave them love, care, and much-needed milk.

Smoochy wasn’t really the maternal type. She was a mischievous dog, often ending up in trouble. Giving up her puppies to Miss Kitty was the best decision she ever made.

But, Miss Kitty’s good deeds didn’t stop there. She took in five puppies as well as two orphaned kittens, too! 

a white cat is playing with a black puppy
Source: Youtube

After seeing her case on TV, one viewer reached out to Miss Kitty’s family and asked them if she could take in two kittens in need. 

Miss Kitty was absolutely thrilled to have two more babies… this time, two of her own kind.

This generous cat from South Carolina proves that a mother isn’t just a birth mom. The real mother is the one that raises you, takes care of you, and loves you despite everything.
