Sweet Dog Tries To Hide His New Friend So He Can Continue Playing With Him


Sometimes, when I read about how awesome dogs are, one of the most overlooked aspects of a dog’s personality is their ability to make friends with almost anyone.

When I had a dog, this came as a surprise to me because I assumed that he would not get along with our cat, but it was quite the opposite. I was always fascinated by their empathy and desire to help those in need.

In this story, we will talk about a dog who made a new friend and was so jealous when anyone else approached him that they would end up hiding from everyone else.

A Beautiful New Friendship

adorable dog with cat on the bed
Source: Colleen Harrison via The Dodo

When the Harrison family first adopted a new kitten, one of their biggest concerns was how their dogs, Minnie and Rex, would react to this news.

The family said that Minnie is the one who usually cares about other animals more, but in this case, Rex seemed like he was the one who took the most interest in their new kitty.

Because Rex is the younger dog, he is still at the age where he loves to play, so he and the cat, Casper, love spending time together.

Anytime someone would interrupt their playtime, he would get agitated and try to stop it.

dog and kitten together posing
Source: Colleen Harrison via The Dodo

Colleen Harrison told The Dodo: At first, Rex didn’t like anyone coming near the kitten. He was very protective of him. He’s the same way with our children. Anytime the kitten or our kids are out of Rex’s sight or in another room he can’t get to, he just sits close by whining for them.

Rex Loves To Hide His Friend

dog and cat sleeping
Source: Colleen Harrison via The Dodo

It would get to the point where Rex would try to hide Casper from the rest of the family so that they couldn’t see them playing!

The family was surprised that he loved the kitty so much, but were glad to see that they got along so well.

Even though he hated it when someone else would play with Casper, Rex slowly started to accept the fact that the cat also needs some time for himself.

Harrison said: Rex doesn’t mind others holding or playing with the kitten now, but he does keep an eye on him at all times.

If this story can teach us anything, it’s that dog and cat friendships do exist and they can last. It’s beautiful to see a dog and a cat getting along so well, knowing that they will both grow up together.
