Man Adopts A Charming Dog With A Very Unique Bark


When we decide on adopting a dog, the first thing we do is find our nearest animal shelter and look around.

The factors we consider before adopting a canine are usually things like age, breed, and his overall personality. However, for some people, this might differ, as they might look for something else entirely.

In this story, we will talk about a man who adopted a dog with a very unique bark and a great personality to complement it.

A Very Chatty Dog

adopted dog licking man's face
Source: @drews.daily.dose

When he was first looking for a dog in an animal shelter, Drew was almost instantly charmed by Dennis. He was a very unique puppy who could not bark properly, but loved to speak all the time.

He asked if he could adopt the dog, but there was one big problem with that idea. Another family had already signed up to take him in.

This left Drew a bit disheartened, but nevertheless, he asked for permission to take the dog in foster care until the actual adoption is finalized.

The staff at the shelter told Drew that he would love this dog and develop an attachment that would make it difficult to give him up when the time comes.

This didn’t bother Drew, as all he wanted was to help his new furry friend live a better life. However, time went on and the man and the dog were already best friends.

Dennis’ New Life

photo of man and woman kissing the dog
Source: @drews.daily.dose

When he received the call that he had to return the dog, he was just crushed, knowing that the day had come. 

He told The Dodo: You have to drop him back tomorrow. I was devastated. I couldn’t even function. I felt like I had literally lost something, I was mourning, almost. It was a weird feeling.

Drew pleaded with the shelter staff to ask the real owners if he could keep the dog because he just didn’t want to give him up.

He said: The other owners saw some videos and photos of us hanging out and they realized that the bond was strong and then, they gave him to us.

When Drew heard this news, he was over the moon. It was one of the best days of his life.

A Symbol Of True Friendship

woman, man and a dog at the beach at sunset
Source: @drews.daily.dose

The duo would continue living together, and Dennis would get even better at communicating with his new owner.

Occasionally, some people were confused when they heard him talking, but Drew reassured them that he is just like that and he is the happiest dog in the world.

As time went on, Drew saw how his life had changed for the better so much. He said: You, before I had him – this sounds so cheesy, but I’m just gonna say it anyway. I don’t think I knew how to, like, love properly. 
I didn’t know… I didn’t know what it was. He’s taught me, like, what real, actual love and friendship means.  

If this story teaches us anything, it’s how amazing it is to see such a beautiful friendship between a man and a dog. 

It shows us just how important this long friendship between the species is and how it can always make our life that much better if we give the dogs a chance.
