Lost Dog Cries When He Sees His Dad For The First Time In Months


Every dog owner’s nightmare is to have the family dog go missing.

The family of Rustico Samson Jr. lived that nightmare for three hard months.

Their beloved four-legged family member, Coco, went missing out of nowhere. They couldn’t find Coco no matter how hard they tried or wherever they looked. One Philippines family was heartbroken.

A Family Reunited
Credit: Rustico Samson Jr.

“I cried. There was so much sorrow, so much pain,” said Samson. After all, he lost a family member, not just a pet.

A Family Reunited 2
Credit: Rustico Samson Jr.

A day didn’t go by without Samson looking for Coco. The desperate owner looked all over the city, always crying in despair. There were times he didn’t think he’d ever find him again.

A group of friends started a search party for Coco. They were on the lookout for a dog fitting Coco’s description. Luckily, the hard work paid off. Coco was found!

After hearing about a dog matching Coco’s description in a parking garage, Samson rushed to check if the dog was his beloved companion. Sure enough, it was Coco!

What happened next left everyone flabbergasted. The owner was overwhelmed with happiness, but Coco was the one whose emotions knocked us off our feet. The dog cried like a baby, jumping all over Samson and giving him lots of wet kisses.

A Family Reunited 3
Credit: Rustico Samson Jr.

He knew his troubles had ended. He knew he was going home.

Hearts were momentarily healed, but it took some time for Coco to heal completely. The dog was seriously underweight but otherwise healthy. With lots of love, care, and good food, Coco bounced back.

Samson’s home was complete again and filled with great vibes and even bigger emotions.

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Credit: Rustico Samson Jr.

What made Samson push on and keep on searching was his immense love for Coco.

“When it comes to having a pet, it doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, as long as you have a heart and love them like family,” he said. “When someone in your family is lost, you never give up.”

We couldn’t agree more!

In the end, everything turned out well for this family from the Philippines. Samson’s four-legged buddy was finally there, and he couldn’t be happier!

You can watch the heartbreaking reunion of these two best buddies here:
