Old, Scared Dog Was Hiding From Everyone, Until He Felt A Gentle Human Touch


Imagine having to spend your life on the street without a roof over your head or anyone to call your own.

That’s pretty much what life has been like for little MarMar – a senior dog who spent months waiting for his miracle. He roamed the streets of California, hiding from people and doing his best to survive.

Injured, traumatized, and with no positive experience with people, little MarMar desperately needed help, but he just didn’t know the way to get it – until Eldad came to his rescue!

He Was Doing His Best To Hide From The People

an old scared dog is standing on the pavement
Source: Hope For Paws

Eldad Hagar is a long-time rescuer and founder of Hope For Paws, from Los Angeles, California. When he received a call about MarMar from a kind man named Phillip, he instantly rushed into action.

Turns out, MarMar was hiding next to a local gas station, searching for a safe spot to settle in.

a man approaches a frightened dog
Source: Hope For Paws

When Eldad first saw him, this tiny pooch’s paws were bleeding and he had no energy to run away. He was just sitting there, shivering in fear and hoping that Eldad would do no harm to him.

It was more than evident that this tiny dog was suffering from previous trauma as he was shaking the whole time, and he kept his head down as if he was expecting to be hit. 

What the little boi didn’t know at the time was that he would only get some gentle petting on his tiny head and a friend for a lifetime!

Eldad Was The Friend He Needed

a woman bathes a frightened dog in a bathtub
Source: Hope For Paws

Eldad brought MarMar into the facility, gave him a nice, warm shower, and made sure he felt as comfortable as possible. Even though he was still shaken, as this was probably his first interaction with people in a long time – he already felt much more comfortable.

The HFP team subjected him to a vet exam to check the cause of his bleeding. Turns out, little MarMar had minor burns on his front paws, but his overall condition was so much better than expected.

Being an old dog living life on a street, MarMar was in excellent shape, which is why Eldad decided to immediately find him a foster home.

Marmar Is A Brand-New Boi Now

two dogs wrapped in a blanket lie on a woman's lap
Source: SAFE Rescue Team

For the first few days, Katie McKittrick, one of the HFP volunteers, decided to give MarMar a welcome into her loving home.

She wanted to introduce him to her canine/feline pack, hoping that he’d start coming out of his shell with a little help from his furry buddies – and boi, she was right!

MarMar accepted his new friends in a heartbeat, and he started acting like a brand-new dog. Living with other dogs and a cat really made him display his true personality, and Katie just loved to see him getting back to being a dog again!

A few days later, the SAFE Rescue Team, from Huntington Beach, California, offered to foster MarMar until he finds a forever home.

Today, this tiny senior is the biggest lovebug who enjoys every single day of his stay with his foster family.

“This little man is so LOVED, ADORED, and being celebrated everyday of his precious life! MarMar is a true gem” they posted on their Facebook.

It is only a matter of days until he finds his forever home, and if we can say one thing with certainty, it’s that he will definitely make some hoomans really happy!
