A Shy Great Dane Learns How To Love Again After Being Abandoned By Her Owners


There is perhaps no worse feeling for a dog than getting abandoned by the people he loves the most in the world. 

Regardless of what the reason is, it’s cruel and unfair, and no one deserves to be just left like that. However, the truth of the matter is that it happens quite often.

In this story, we will talk about a dog who was abandoned and has had a hard time processing everything that happened to him.

The Sweetest Great Dane

white dog at the backseat of the car
Source: YouTube

When Marshmallow was first taken to a shelter, her rescuers decided to contact the dog’s owners to see if he was lost.

Unfortunately, they didn’t want her back, so she had to stay at the shelter in Florida where she could receive help.

One of the rescuers, named Jordan, decided that she would foster Marshmallow, at least until she could find a more permanent home.

She really liked to see that Marshmallow’s condition was improving and that she enjoyed being around her other dogs.

white dog sitting on a bed
Source: YouTube

On one eventful night, there was a huge thunderstorm in Florida and the scared dog was not handling it well at all.

Jordan really tried everything. She gave her a lot of hugs and cuddles in hopes that she would settle down, but Marshmallow was just that scared.

When it was over, she finally eased up a little. Jordan told The Dodo: The storm passed. I think it took a while for Marshmallow to realize she’s safe here.

Marshmallow’s New Life

two dogs, black and white
Source: YouTube

While she did get along well with the other dogs there, she was not too keen on playing with them too much. Marshmallow just preferred when they all relaxed and napped together.

Not only did she like to nap with her other dog friends, but she would also cuddle and sleep with her foster mom.

As time went on, she changed quite a bit. When Jordan started bringing her friends and the other dogs to the house, Marshmallow made quite a few new friends then.

Jordan said: Even when she came out of her shell, she’s not a rowdy dog. She’s still just a really calm dog.

white dog and guy in a pink
Source: YouTube

When the time came, Marshmallow’s new parents arrived to meet her. Jordan was so happy that the dog had someone amazing to care for her, but sad that they were separating.

Despite their amazing bond, it was time for this beautiful Great Dane to go into her new adventure with someone who would cherish every moment with her.

Even though Jordan will miss her very much, she is very happy that Marshmallow got a new chance to live her life.
