A Dog Who Was Abandoned By The Rails Gets Rescued On Time


When a woman walking by a railway station looked at the nearby forest, she saw something quite unusual

Hiding in the overgrown grass, laying flat on the ground, was a little abandoned puppy.

Here is a story of a puppy who, being left to fend for himself, found a loving home, which showed him how much love he truly deserves. 

Help Is On The Way

dog laying on the ground
Source: YouTube.com

As soon as the woman who found him realized what was going on, she rushed towards him, knowing he needed saving.

The puppy was cold, exhausted, and motionless. He was only 6 weeks old and he needed immediate medical attention.

She carefully picked him up and took him to the vet for some well-needed care.

At The Vet

When he arrived, he was immediately put on IV treatment to help aid his recovery. The poor pup was so exhausted he couldn’t even eat any food so he had to be force fed

He also had a very thorough checkup, which included an abdominal ultrasound and a laboratory test.

dog in vets hands
Source: YouTube.com

All of this care, love, and medical attention made him regain his strength and, by the very next day, he was able to eat all by himself.  

The brave pup, named Csipet, was on the road to a very speedy recovery.

At The Foster

Even though he was still taking his daily IV treatment, this puppy was up on his paws, running his tail away.

After only six days at the vet, he was looking for a warm and loving foster home that would help him fully regain his strength.

And, he found exactly that!

puppy sitting at the home
Source: YouTube.com

In fact, it was so loving that in less than a month, he had gained some healthy weight and was as playful as ever.

New Life 

Acting like himself again, Csipet was ready to depart from his foster parents and find his forever home.

And, you had best believe, being so irresistibly cute, he found one in no time!

After only 5 days, this adorable and strong pup was part of a family who had nothing but love and adoration towards him and he sure loved them, too.

cute adopted puppy
Source: YouTube.com

In a very short period of time, Csipet learned many new tricks, which he loves showing off to whoever he comes across.

He also loves playing dress-up and letting everybody know what an adorable pupper he truly is.
